Oota Ward Green Walk /Indian Cooking Event! (Separate Events)

1)Oota Ward Green Walk

(Participation Fee 1000 yen) (Easy) (Canceled in case of rain)

Meeting Time &  Place:Keihin Kyuukou Oomorimachi Station Ticket Gate at 12:17PM

Shinagawa Station departure (Keikyu line) –  11:59am

Oomorimachi 12:15PM

COURSE: Oomorimachi Station → Heiwa Forest Park → Tokyo Bay Wild Bird Park →Ooi Central Seaside Park → Ooi Horsetrack Station (OoiKeibajouMae)

Walking time: About 3 hours  7KM

Bring lunch food and liquids for the walk

2) Jambo Cooking Event – Indian Food

(Reservation Needed) (Participation Fee ¥2500)

Learn how to cook Indian curry!

Join us, if you like cooking – and it’s OK only to eat as well (if you don’t care to cook).

Let’s enjoy cooking together and have a wonderful time with good homemade dishes♪

☆Time: 18:00-21:30

*Please come to the cooking room between 17:50 and 18:00 if you want to learn how to make all of the dishes. You may come late (but may miss out on learning how to make some of them).


The cooking room Kyurian 4F in Shinagawa ward :


*It takes 1 minute from Oimachi station on the Keihin-Tohoku Line / Rinkai Line / Tokyo Oimachi Line.


Punjab Chicken Curry/Palak Paneer/Samosa/Turmeric Rice/Chapati/Mango Kulfi/Chai

*You can get easy-to-cook recipes for them ♪

☆Fee: 2500yen (collected on that day)

☆What to bring: Apron/ Hand towel/ Your own drinks

☆Applications and any inquiries may be made to

ichi_mariko at yahoo.co.jp

Please replace at with @.

by June 27th (Wednesday). For reservations, please include your FULL name and the number of people with you.

*LIMIT: 36 people (first come, first served)

*Please be sure to let Mariko know if you have a serious food allergy.

•You may cancel without penalty until June 27th. Those who cancel after that will be asked to pay (unless someone else takes your place) due to the preparation of food.

Leader: Ichikawa Mariko


Oppama Double Hiking Course & and Home Party! (Separate Events)

(Participation Fee 1000 yen) (Easy) (Hike is canceled in case of heavy rain, but party is still on)

Meeting Time & Place: 10:00AM (or 12:00 noon for Latecomers)    Keikyuu (Keihin Kyuuko) line’s Oppama Station’s ticket gate

Shinagawa Station departure (Keikyu line) –  09:17am

Kanazawa Hakkei Station (arrival) – 9:54AM

Kanazawa Hakkei (departure, Keikyuu going towards Uraga) – 9:57

Oppama (arrival) – 9:59AM

COURSE: Oppama Station → Ikazuchi Shrine→Goddess of Mercy Temple →Enokido Harbor (nice walking course)→ Oppama Station (12:00)→ Takatoriyama Park→ Jinmuji Temple→ Jinmuji Station

This course has many historical spots as well as beautiful views of the yacht harbor and rock walls.

Please wear good shoes for about 4 hours walk and bring some lunch and drink.

http://www.ne.jp/asahi/koiwa/hakkei/takatoriko-su.html  (afternoon part)

After the hike, those who want to go are invited to a friend’s party in a wonderful place on the 11th floor overlooking the Tsurumi River.  For those not going on the hike but wanting to go to the party, please meet us at the Tsurumi Station (on the Keihin Tohoku Line) ticket gate at 17:00. The party fee is 500 yen for BBQ goods, and you can buy other food/drinks on the way to the party.


Edogawa River Clean Up & Picnic

Part 1 River Clean Up: We will gather at Barakinakayama Station ( just outside of the north exit ticket gate exit from 9:30a.m., and from about 9:40a.m. we will walk about 10-12 minutes to the Edogawa River and begin picking up trash along the banks as we walk toward the mouth of the river where it empties into Tokyo Bay. From about 12:30pm we will take a rest at the mouth of the river at Tokyo Bay and begin setting up for a picnic overlooking Tokyo Bay.

Part 2 Picnic overlooking Tokyo Bay: From 1:00pm we will have a picnic in front of Tokyo Bay. There will be a Y1,000 admission for the picnic with all food and drinks provided (+Y500 for picnic guests drinking beer/wine/chuhai). We’ll have some seats and tables, sun cover set up as well.

Part 3 The Ichikawa Clean Spa (optional):After the picnic some guests may wish to visit the Ichikawa Clean Spa (only 4-5 minutes away on foot). If so bring a swimming suit, cap, towel and goggles. Facility entrance is Y200. Then entrance to the pool area is plus Y300 and entrance to the sento/rotemburo area is plus Y500. The Clean Spa also has courtesy shuttle buses to return people to area train stations.

Recommended: Hat, long-sleeve shirt (for sun protection), gloves, walking/hiking shoes, generally older clothing that you don’t mind getting a little dirty. The clean up route will is nearly all dry so rubber boots will not be necessary.Let’s have fun enjoying our local nature while making it better at the same time. If you will attend this picnic please be sure to click going or e-mail the event leader, James, at yaesukita(at)gmail.com as he has to prepare the food and drinks for the picnic.

If you come late, walk to the river alongside the Tozai Line and go to the river and walk toward Tokyo Bay at the water line until you see us. Also call my cell phone 090-1847-5075 if there are any problems finding us. The adjacent park has restrooms nearby the clean up area.

In case the event is canceled due to rain, it will be announced on Twitter: @jamboleader on the morning of the planned event.


Let’s Create Washi/Japanese traditional paper Art!

Joint JAMBO-LVC EVENT: : Let’s Create Washi/Japanese traditional paper Art!


Venue: JAMBO School: Tomioka1-26-13-203 Koto Ward (ShimadaBld.Room203) – a 3 minute walk from Monzennakacho Station Exit 2

19:00-20:00   Let’s create Washi/Japanese paper art. Details as below.

20:00-21:00 Informal get-together (Please bring snacks and drinks to enjoy during this time)

Reservation requested! (by June 10 to jambodave@green.email.ne.jp or event@lvc-tokyo.org)

Free of charge    Limit:10 people.

Contacts: Mr.Yamazaki – LVC (090-5815-6659) or David (080-6546-7688)

<Let’s Create Washi/Japanese traditional paper Art>

We’ll create art work using washi, like collage pictures or aqueous pen drawings.

We provide colorful, thin, lacy washi for the picture layout, and white washi cards for their mounts.

You don’t need to prepare anything for that, but if you’d like to make picture on something you have, please bring it. You can create washi art on anything.

Anyone can do it easily!


Washi has a history of about 1400 years, and has features of being thin, durable, and long-lasting. The Shosoin (National Treasure House) has a 1200-year-old book in which every page is cut from a different washi. UNESCO added washi to its list of Intangible Cultural Heritage Items. Washi handicraft is protected as a traditional art form in Japan.


Environmental Project & Easy Hike (Separate Events)

1) Environmental Project Volunteering at Tama Zoo –  Cutting down bamboo grass and cutting down old trees

(Cancelled in case of 70% or more chance of rain)  9:30AM – 2:30PM

Cost: FREE

We meet at 9:30AM at the front main entrance of Tama Zoo’s Station (Tama Dobutsukoen).

Take the 8:47AM Keio Line Semi-express from Shinjuku to Takahatafudo (arriving at 9:21AM) and change to the Keio Dobutsu Koen Line train, leaving Takahatafudo at 9:25 and arriving at Tama Dobutsu Koen Station  at 9:28AM.

If you would like to participate, please inform David by June 7 (Thursday) so that we can get volunteer insurance. If you join this event, please bring the following: Long sleeved shirt and long pants (not shorts), work gloves, towel, and appropriate shoes (trekking shoes or hiking boots) are required.

Please bring whatever you want to eat for lunch, and drinks during the work project.

2) Easy Hiking

We  will go even in case of light rain,

Meeting time/place: Hamadayama station ticket gate on the Inokashira line at 1:00

Walk to Inokashira park and along the Kanda river and Tamagawa canal.

It takes about 1 and a half hours.

After that we will go to the WENSday English school near Kichijoji

station to practice yoga for 15 or 20 minutes, then maybe have a party.

Leaders: Ichiro Sakai 080-4055-8539 and Rika Inagaki 080-4181-6777


Iris Parks Walk/Festival & International Friendship Party (Separate Events)


(¥1000 Participation Fee) (Canceled in case of rain) (Easy – Geared for children) NEW!!!

Meeting Place/Time: (JR Joban Line) Kanamachi Station (North Exit) 13:10

JR常磐線各駅停車(普通) [我孫子行き]

From Ootemachi Station, take the Chiyoda Line (going towards Abiko) at 12:39. This arrives at Kanamachi at 13:06 (It changes name to the JR Joban Line en route so just one train from Ootemachi)

COURSE: Kanamachi Station – Mizumoto Park (Large Iris area) – Nishi Mizumoto Park – Nakagawa Park – Iris Marsh Park (Large Iris area – Ayase Station

Please check out the 2 main events here:

http://www.city.adachi.tokyo.jp/koen/shisetsu/koen/010.html Iris Marsh Park

https://www.tokyo-park.or.jp/park/format/index041.html Mizumoto Park

The walking distance is about 10KM (but it’s easy to stop anytime if you (or children) are tired and we expect to finish around 5:00PM.

You can eat lunch before the event or in the park.

2)  Int’l Friendship  Party from 6:30-9:30pm in Kamiyacho

Information: http://www.internationalparty.com/event-calendar

Place: Mulligan’s Irish Pub

For JAMBO members, the cost is 1,500 yen  for men and 1000 yen for women w/reservation (or plus 500 yen if you go directly without making a reservation).  Foreigners get at 500 yen discount.  This includes the buffet! Drinks can be bought at Happy Hour prices.

Reservations can be made with David (jamboddave@green.email.ne.jp)by June 8.

Half of your admission fee will be donated to JEAN (Japan Environmental Action Network) and Kanagawa Coastal Environmental Foundation. So you can have an enjoyable evening and help a good cause at the same time. If you’d like to go with David, please meet at Exit 3 of  Kamiyacho Station’s Hibiya Line at 6:30PM on the 9th.


Chichibu Azalea Mountain Hiking & Arakawa River Clean Up/Picnic (Separate Events)

1) Chichibu Azalea Mountain Hiking

(¥1000 Participation Fee)   (Cancelled in case of rain) (Intermediate)

Bring your own food & drink since there are no stores near NishiAgano.

Course:  NishiAgano Station – Buna Pass – Mt. Azalea -MeriBazaka Pass – Shomaru Station

Walking Time: About 5 hours

Walking Distance: About 14 KM

Elevation Gain: 630M

From Ikebukuro, take the Seibu Ikebukuro (Express) Line’s  8:50AM  train (bound for Hanno) and get off  at Hanno, arriving at 9:42. Cross the platform to the Seibu Chichibu Line train going to Seibu Chichibu, leaving at 9:43. This arrives at Nishi-agano Station at 10:13 AM .

Make sure to get on this train as we cannot wait for the next one.  We’ll meet at the ticket gate there at 10:015AM .

Meet at the front of the 9:43 train from Hanno if you want to go together.

2) Arakawa River Clean Up/Picnic

We will met at Minami-Sunamachi Station (on the Tozai Line) outside of Exit 3 at 9:30a.m., and then walk to the Arakawa River and pick up trash along the banks for about 2.5 hours. Afterwards we will have a picnic along the river at a nearby park.

All food and drinks will be provided for the picnic. Admission Y1,000 to cover the cost of food and drinks (+Y500 or Y1,500 for people drinking beer or wine).

Recommended: Hat, long-sleeve shirt (for sun protection), gloves, walking/hiking shoes, generally older clothing that you don’t mind getting a little dirty. The clean up route will be mostly paved so rubber boots will not be necessary

If you come late, walk to the river alongside the Tozai Line and go to the water where the Tozai Line Bridge crosses the river and look for us along the water line. Also call my cell phone 090-1847-5075 if there are any problems finding us. The adjacent park has restrooms nearby the clean up area.

Let’s have fun enjoying our local nature while making it better at the same time.


Book Swap

(Reservation Needed) (Participation Fee ¥1000)

Everyone brings books to lend/give to others and picks out books which are new (and of interest) to them.

There is no doubt that books are food for the brain, so let’s share them with others.

You can exchange your interests and talk with the other participants, and coordinate how to get your books back.

☆Time: 10:00-12:00

☆Location: Jambo English School


*A 3 minute walk from Monzennakacho Station Exit 2

☆Fee: 1000yen (collected on that day)

☆What to bring: Used books

You can bring food and drink.

☆We will serve tea and sweets.

☆Applications and any inquiries may be made to

ichi_mariko at yahoo.co.jp

Please replace at with @.

by May 24th (Thursday). For reservations, please include your FULL name and the number of people with you.

Don’t forget to whitelist this EM address.

*LIMIT: 10 people (first come, first served)

☆The donation will be given to Riasnomori – an organization in Ishinomaki which works for community development.


Leader: Ichikawa Mariko


Ootsuki (Cliff) Hiking Course & International Party (Separate Events)

1) Ootsuki (Cliff) Hiking Course

(1000 Yen, Intermediate, Canceled in case of rain)

Ootsuki Station – Mt. Iwadono – Chigootoshi Cliffs – Ootsuki Station

Take the Keio Line at 9:20AM from Shinjuku Station(going towards Hachioji). Change at Kitano (arriving at 9:55, cross the platform and get on the 9:58 train going towards Takaosanguchi) and go to Takao station, arriving at 10:08AM. Change at Takao Station to the Chuo Line.  Take the 10:13AM train going towards Ootsuki and get off at Ootsuki Station, arriving at 10:51AM.  Using these trains, the total cost comes to 940 yen.

Meeting Place/Time: Ootsuki Station (Chuo Line) Ticket Gate 10:55AM (We will meet on the front car of the ChuoLine train at Takao at 10:13)

Walking time: about 4 hours.

Walking Distance: About 10 KM

Elevation Gain: About 300 meters

Please wear appropriate shoes (tennis shoes, hiking boots), bring a lunch to eat on the mountain, and plenty of liquids.

2) May 26 (Saturday) – Int’l Friendship  Party from 7:00 -9:30pm in Roppongi

Place: Bar Quest (Roppongi) (No. 2 Rene Bldg. 3F, 5-3-1 Roppongi Minato-ku, Tokyo)

For JAMBO members, the cost is 2,000 yen  for men and 1500 yen for women w/reservation (or plus 500 yen if you go directly without making a reservation).  Foreigners get at 500 yen discount.  This includes  1 drink  & buffet included!

Reservations can be made with David by e-mail by May 25.

Half of your admission fee will be donated to 『GREENBELT MOVEMENT』& Tikondane (ZAMBIA). So you can have an enjoyable evening and help a good cause at the same time.

If you’d like to go with David, please meet at Exit 3 of  Roppongi Station’s Hibiya Line at 6:55PM on the 28th.


1) Jambo/Earth Day Bike Ride Group Event & 2) Edogawa River Clean Up & BBQ (Separate events)

1) Jambo & Earthday Bike Ride Group – Fun Ride to Fuchu Historical Forest Park!

(1000 yen, Easy (bicycles), Reservations requested (Canceled in case of rain)

We will ride through a shopping area and some parks from Mitaka station, and can shop for the afternoon’s picnic on the way at a local farmar’s stand or supermarket. Then, we coninue along  Nogawa park, to the Chofu airport, and on to Fuchu Historical Forest Park, where we’ll hang out, eat and drink, take a walk, play frisbee, etc.

For people who need to rent a bicycle, please come to Mitaka Station’s south exit Police box at 9:30. Hiro and David will meet you there and go to Susuzake Bicycle Rental: http://www.mitaka.ne.jp/machidukuri/rentalcycle/index.html to rent bikes. The cost is ¥300 /day and the number of bicycles is limited, so please do not come late.

If you’d like us to make a bicycle reservation for you, contact jambodave@green.email.ne.jp in advance.

If you have your own bicycle, meet us at 10:00am at Mitaka Station south exit bus terminal.

Latecomers can come to the picnic at Fuchu Historical Forest Park anytime from 12:30.


Please bring snacks and foods for the picnic and drinks (you can also buy them at a store near the station) as well as any park toys: balls, frisbees, unicycles, juggling balls, badminton rackets, inflatable sumo suits, foam swords and squirt guns. For riders, helmets are recommended.

Ride leader: Hiro (09035385511)

Mr. Kono (09017392996)

EarthDay Ride Team Web Page (www.earthdayride.org).

You can see the route here


2) Edogawa River Clean Up & BBQ

We’ll meet at 9:30a.m. at Myoden Station and begin picking up trash on the river bank before 10:00a.m. Then, from 12:30-1:00pm we will be grilling a variety of meats and vegetables over an open fire at the Myoden BBQ grounds (just next to the Tozai train bridge). If you will attend be sure to click going to help us prepare the right amount of food. As usual, about 4 groups will be joining this event so I’m expecting 15-20 people to attend with the BBQ being more popular than the picnic. Then, the June Arakawa event info is pasted below. Both events will be near the mouths of the rivers with great scenery!

Event: Edogawa River Clean Up & BBQ

Date: May 20 (Sun.)

Time: 9:30a.m.-3:30pm

Meeting place: Myoden Station (Tozai Line) at 9:30a.m.

Clean Up Details: From 9:40a.m. we’ll walk to to the Edogawa River and before 10:00a.m. begin picking up trash for about 2 to 2.5 hours. I’ll supply the trash bags as well as have some extra gloves.

BBQ Details: From about 12:30p.m. we will begin setting up for the lunch BBQ and begin eating about 1:00pm. Then, after eating throwing some balls, frisbees around. All food and drinks will be provided for the picnic. Y1,500 (+500 for guests who are drinking beer/wine or chuhai)

Other Details: A hat, long pants, long-sleeve shirt, and rubber boots are recommended. Hiking or walking shoes are also okay as there are some areas on drier river banks. (In the event of any significant rain this event will be cancelled. If there is any doubt please check the meetup page for such notices, which will also be sent to registered attendees by e-mail.)

If you will attend the BBQ please be sure to make a reservation by sending an e-mail to James at the address below in order for us to prepare appropriate amount of food and drinks.

Contact: James yaesukita@gmail.com, 090-1847-5075

In case the event is canceled due to rain, it will be announced on Twitter: @jamboleader on the morning of the planned event.


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