(Reservation Needed) (No Participation Fee)

A simple, interesting game that will help you understand how international trade leads to many of the world’s inequities.

☆Facilitator: Sekiguchi Yumi, worked as a science teacher in Mozambique, Vietnam and Japan.


19:00-20:00 Trading game

20:00-21:00 Informal get-together (Please bring snacks and drinks to enjoy during this time)


Jambo English School

Shimada Building #203, Tomioka 1-26-13, Koto Ward

*A 3 minute walk from Monzennakacho Station Exit 2

If you can’t find it, feel free to call David (080-6546-7688)

☆Free of charge

☆Reservation needed!

Applications and any inquiries may be made to

ichi_mariko at yahoo.co.jp

Please replace at with @.

For reservations, please include your FULL name and the number of people with you.

Don’t forget to whitelist this EM address.

*LIMIT: 10 people (first come, first served)

Leader: Ichikawa Mariko


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