Chichibu SPECIAL – Mountain Flower Road and Multi-colored grass Hiking

(Participation Fee 1000 yen + 300 yen (Hitsuji Park Entrance))

Meeting Time & Place: 8:37AM at Ashigakubo Station’s ticket gate or 12:00 noon at Yokose Station’s ticket gate

Take the Seibu Ikebukuro Line Express train from Ikebukuro Station at 7:05AM.  This arrives at Ashigakubo at 8:35AM.

For late comers, take the Seibu Ikebukuro Line Express train from Ikebukuro Station at 10:20AM.  This arrives at Hanno Station (the final destination) at 11:08AM.  Change here to the Seibu Chichibu Line (which leaves at 11:14) and get off at Yokose Station (arriving at 11:57).

For early comers, meet on the front of the 7:05 train at Ikebukuro if you want to go from there.

Hiking Course:  Ashigakubo Station – Mountain Flower Road – Mt. Hinata – Yokose Station – Hitsujiyama Park – Chichibu Station

The total walking time is about 6 hours.

Please bring your lunch and drink.

Check out the following HPs for more information: (Mountain Flower Road) (Hiking course from Yokose)  (HitsujiYama Park – Multi-colored Grass)


Tanzawa Hiking – Furou-yama


A Bit Difficult COURSE

Please bring your lunch and drinks.

Meeting: Suruga-Oyama Station Ticket Gate 9:53

Train: Shinjuku (Odakyu line train going to Odawara) 7:51 – Shinmatsuda (arrives at 9:14) –   Matsuda Station (JR Gotemba Line – leaves at 9:28) –  Suruga-Oyama Station – 9:50 arrival

Please be sure to get on the right train, since we can’t wait for the next one.  You can get on the front car at Shinjuku Station to ride with others at 7:51. David will get on from Shin Yurigaoka.


Suruga-Oyama station – Furounotaki waterfall – Furou-yama – Tani-ga-yama – Suruga-Oyama station.

Expected walking time: 6 hours


Azalea Walk

(¥1500 Participation Fee) (Partly in English)(Cancelled in case of heavy rain)

The donation will be given to Riasunomori – an organization in Ishinomaki which works for community development.

The program is ¥1500 (children ¥500) and everyone is requested to speak English during the tea time at the end of the event, where David will also join.

Meeting Time/Place: 14:30 JR Nippori Station west exit

Course: Nippori Station – Yanaka Ginza – Ueno  Sakuragi Atari – Nezu Shrine – AICO Museum (tea and sweets)

We will serve tea and sweets.

Walking Time: About 1 hour (4km) plus a lot of time for shopping and sightseeing so the walk should take about 4 hours.

If you can’t find us, please call AICO Museum at 03-5842-1780.

Leader: Ichikawa Mariko


Environmental Project Volunteering at Tama Zoo


Cutting down old trees and repairing steps for the paths

(Cancelled in case of 70% or more chance of rain)  9:30AM – 2:30PM

Cost: FREE

We meet at 9:30AM at the front main entrance of Tama Zoo’s Station (Tama Dobutsukoen).

Take the 8:47AM Keio Line Semi-express from Shinjuku to Takahatafudo (arriving at 9:21AM) and change to the Keio Dobutsu Koen Line train, leaving Takahatafudo at 9:25 and arriving at Tama Dobutsu Koen Station  at 9:28AM.

If you would like to participate, please inform David by April 6 (Thursday) so that we can get volunteer insurance. If you join this event, please bring the following: Long sleeved shirt and long pants (not shorts), work gloves, towel, and appropriate shoes (trekking shoes or hiking boots) are required.

Please bring whatever you want to eat for lunch, and drinks during the work project.

LIMIT: 15 People


Int’l Friendship Party


From 6:30-9:30pm in Kamiyacho


Place: Mulligan’s Irish Pub

For JAMBO members, the cost is 2,000 yen  for men and 1500 yen for women w/reservation (or plus 500 yen if you go directly without making a reservation).  Foreigners get at 500 yen discount.  This includes  1 drink  & buffet included!

Reservations can be made with David by e-mail by April 7.

Half of your admission fee will be donated to Arakawa Clean Aid.   So you can have an enjoyable evening and help a good cause at the same time. If you’d like to go with David, please meet at Exit 3 of  Kamiyacho Station’s Hibiya Line at 6:30PM on the 8th.


Get-together for Development of a Japanese Lesson/Language Exchange Program

Venue:Jambo School (Map)

Time: 7:00-9:00PM

We would like to get ideas from people on how to set up a program offering Japanese lessons to foreigners and Language exchange opportunities. Many foreigners in the JAMBO network want to learn Japanese (maily one-to-one or with Skype). LVC (Language Volunteer Koto-ku) and Jambo would like to develop a joint program to fulfill this need. Anyone interested (in learning or teaching) is welcome to join.

7:00-8:00 – Brainstorming Session

8:00-9:00 Informal get-together (Please bring snacks and drinks to enjoy during this time.)

Reservation requested! (Free) by April 6 to


Super Double Program

(OK for beginners, Participation Fee: 1000 yen (for one part, or for both), Canceled in case of rain)

1) Zenpukuji River  Walk

We will meet at the ticket gate of Nishi Eifuku Station (Keio Inokashira line) at 8:58AM.

Course: NishiEifuku Station (Keio Inokashira Line) – Ryukoji Temple – Wada Bori Park – Zenpukuji Green Park  – Hamadayama Station (Keio Inokashira Line)

This course has a lot of cherry trees!


Walking Time: About 2.5 hours

2) Kanda River “Full of Cherry Blossoms” Walk

Meet at Hamadayama Station’s (on the Keio Inokashira  Line) ticket gate at 11:30AM


Course (3 hours walking – 7KM): Hamadayama Station – Walk along the Kanda River (full of Cherry Trees) – Inokashira Park

We will have a Cherry blossom viewing party in the park after the walk.


April Fools Day UNBELIEVABLE Triple Program!


Feel free to join one, two, or all three programs

1) River Garbage Pick-up

Meeting Place and Time: The ticket gate of Nishi Kasai Station (Tozai Line) at 9:30AM


9:30AM – Meet at Nishi Kasai Station (Tozai Line) ticket gate

10:00 – 12:00 – Do a Garbage Clean-up under Kasaibashi bridge (Edogawa Ward) (Please bring work gloves if you have them)

Do something good for the environment and join the garbage pick-up.  After that, we’ll walk to Minami Sunamachi (about 30 minutes) for part 2 of today’s events.

2) Koto Ward “Full of Cherry Blossoms” Canal Hike 

Meet at Minami Sunamachi Station’s (on the Tozai Line) A2 Exit at 13:00.

Course (3 hours slow walking = 6.2 KM): MinamiSunamachi Station – Sendaiborigawa Canal

3) Kiba Park (Cherry Trees, Eating, Drinking, Sports) – Kiba Station

Please bring food and drink, or you can buy it at a nearby Convenient Store

15:30 – 17:30

Meeting Place and Time: Exit 3 of Kiba Station (on the Tozai Line) at 15:30

For those joining along the way, please contact David at 080-6546-7688.


Double Program & Cherry Blossom Viewing


(Done separately)

1) Tachikawa FUN

Meeting Place & Time: JR Tachikawa North Exit at 10:00AM

We will first go to visit the interesting Polar Science Museum. After that, we will go to Showa Kinen Park (410 yen for the entrance fee) and have eats and drinks there under the cherry trees and then play frisbee golf (or simply walk around if you’d rather). We plan to get on the train after that at NishiTachikawa Station at 1700.

2)  Chidorigafuchi Night Cherry Blossom Viewing

(Cancelled in case of rain)(FREE)

Meet in front of the Budokan at 6:30PM.

Please bring some snacks/drinks.

If you come late, please go to the Kita no Maru Park which is past the Budokan on the left side.  If you can ‘t find us, please call me (080-6546-7688) and I’ll meet you at the clock just past the Budokan.

Kita no Maru Park – 6:45 – 7:30PM

Yasukuni Shrine Food Stand Area – 7:45 – 9:00PM


Ogawamachi Hike and Onsen

We will have a 5 hour hike that takes us up 3 low mountains and next to a marsh.

Course: Tobu Takesawa Station – Mt. Kinsho – Tenno Marsh – Ogawamachi Station

From Ikebukuro, take the Tobu Tojo (Express) Line’s 9:00AM train and get off at Ogawamachi Station, arriving at 10:04AM. Change here to the local train going the same direction towards Saitama, getting on the 10:07 train which arrives at Tobu Takesawa Station at 10:11AM. Make sure to get on this train as we cannot wait for the next one.

People going from Ikebukuro Station can meet at the front end of the train on the Tobu Tojo Line platform at 9:00, or meet at Tobu Takesawa Station’s ticket gate at 10:15.

Please wear appropriate shoes (tennis shoes, hiking boots), bring a lunch to eat on the mountain, and plenty of liquids.

As we will go to a Hot Springs in Ogawamachi after the hike, please bring a change of clothes if you’d like to join!


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