Environmental Restoration Project

Environmental Restoration Project with Friends of the Earth

(Cutting branches/trees, chopping wood, etc.)

10:00 – 15:30

(Participation Fee – 500 yen) (Canceled in case of rain)


Meeting Place: 10:04 at Utsugidai Bus Stop

Please wear long pants and long-sleeved shirt and exercise shoes.

Please bring your own drinks, food (for lunch) and work gloves.

Those who wish to go with David, please meet at Hino Station (on the Chuo Line) ticket gate at 9:40.  We will take the 9:46 bus from there (18 minutes).

Information (in Japanese): http://www.foejapan.org/satoyama/activity/index.html


Tama “Abundance of Parks” Fall Colors Walk

(Easy)(Participation Fee 1000 yen)(Cancelled in case of heavy rain) 

Meeting Place & Time:  Tama Center (Keio Line) ticket gate at 11:42AM

Train:  Shinjuku  (Keio Line express going towards Takaosanguchi) 11:07 departure    11:23 Chofu arrival (CHANGE trains)    Chofu (Keio Line going to Hashimto)  11;24 departure → Tama Center 11:40 arrival

Course:  Tama Center Station – Tama Central Park (Lunch) –  MetaSequoia Street – Bessho Park – Sasaragi Green Area – Nagaike Pond – Shimizu Green Area  – MinamiOsawa Station (Keio Line)


Walking Time: About 4 Hours (12KM) plus a lot of time for fun (including looking at the beautiful maples along the way), so the hike should take about 5 hours.

Course (in Japanese)

https://www.city.tama.lg.jp/0000002832.html  (Meta Sequoia Street)

Images for 清水入緑地の紅葉


1) Ranzan Gorge Fall Color HIKING – Famous for its maple trees!!! & 2) Arakawa River Clean Up (Separate events)

1) Ranzan Gorge Fall Color HIKING – Famous for its maple trees!!!

(Intermediate Course) (Participation Fee 1000 yen) (Cancelled in case of rain) 

Please wear appropriate shoes (tennis shoes, hiking boots), bring a lunch and plenty of liquids.

Meeting Place/Time: Ogawamachi Station Ticket Gate at 9:50AM


Course:  Ogawamachi Station – Mt. Sengen – Mt.Shiro-yama

 – Mt. Monomi – Ranzan Gorge- Mt. Ohira  – MusashiRanzan Station


From Ikebukuro, take the  Tobu Tojo (Express) Line’s 8:40AM train and get off at Ogawamachi Station, arriving at 9:49AM.  Make sure to get on this train as we cannot wait for the next one.

We will have a 5-6 hour walk up a few small mountains and into a gorge.


Please take a look of this link:



2) Arakawa River Clean Up


Gather at NISHI KASAI Station: 13:00

Go to the river by car 13:10

River Clean Up: 13:30-16:30

Relaxing riverside: 16:30-17:00

Return to station by Car: 17:00-17:15

Nijikai Dinner at nearby restaurant: 17:30-18:30


Gather at NISHI KASAI Station (Tozai Line) outside the only ticket gate (inside the station) at 13:00, and then go to the Arakawa River by car and pick up trash along the banks for about about 3 hours.


Some participants may go for dinner at a nearby restaurant or weather/daylight permitting we could picnic riverside with some bentos bought at a nearby convenience store. The schedule will be flexible and up to the members who want to stay for a nijikai.


As I will be on the river in the morning doing some scouting and precleaning, people are welcome to join me at that time, but please make specific arrangements with me by e-mail, arrival time, location, etc.


If you come late, it will be about a 25-min walk to our location on the river at the waterline near the Kasaibashi bridge. Also call my cell phone 090-1847-5075 if there are any problems finding us.


In the event of light or medium rain this event will NOT be cancelled as we will move to and from the river by car and use rain ware and take coveras necessary. In the event of heavy rain/strong winds (e.g., typhoon conditions) or lightning then the event will be cancelled.

Let’s have fun enjoying our local nature while making it better at the same time.



Fall Color Walk in Ogikubo

(Easy)(¥1000 Participation Fee) (Cancelled in case of heavy rain)

Have a blast with fall colors. Otaguro Park is a lovely layout, with viewing pavilions, stone bridges, a pond, a waterfall, and a variety of color. Then you will find Kadokawa Garden and Gengi Sanbo Suginami Poetry House (a modern Sukiya-style Japanese house, designated as a national tangible cultural asset). The residence of Kadokawa Genyoshi, the founder of Kadokawa Shoten Publishing & Co., is open to the public. Tekigai Villa, the residence of former Prime Minister Konoe Fumimaro, was used to hold a number of important meetings in an attempt to avoid war with the US.

☆Meeting Time/Place: 10:00 JR Chuo Line Ogikubo Station East Exit

☆Course:  Ogikubo Station East Exit – Amanuma Overpass – Aurora Monument – Gandhi Statue – Seiko Lodging – Otaguro Park – Kadokawa Garden/Gengi Sanbo – Tekigaiso Park – Chudoji Temple – Yosano Park – Ogikubo Station 

Walking Time: About 2 hours (5km).

☆The program is ¥1000.

The donation will be given to Riasunomori – an organization in Ishinomaki which works for community development. 


☆Leader: Ichikawa Mariko

Any inquiries may be made to

ichi_mariko at yahoo.co.jp 

Please replace at with @.

Don’t forget to whitelist this EM address.


Environmental Project at Tama Zoo

The main types of work are cutting down old trees, clearing out dead wood, and raking leaves.

(Cancelled in case of 70% or more chance of rain)  9:30AM – 3:00PM

Cost: FREE

We meet at 9:30AM at the front main entrance of Tama Zoo’s Station (Tama Dobutsukoen).

Take the 8:43AM Keio Line Semi-express from Shinjuku to Takahatafudo (arriving at 9:21AM) and change to the Keio Dobutsu Koen Line train, leaving Takahatafudo at 9:24 and arriving at Tama Dobutsu Koen Station  at 9:28AM.

If you would like to participate, please inform David by November 21 (Thursday) so that we can get volunteer insurance. If you join this event, please bring the following: Long sleeved shirt and long pants (not shorts), work gloves, towel, and appropriate shoes (trekking shoes or hiking boots) are required.

Please bring whatever you want to eat for lunch, and drinks during the work project.


Kawasaki Area Fall Colors Walk and Home Party

(Participation Fee: 1000 yen, Easy, We go even if it rains) 

Meeting Place and Time: Shinkawasaki (JR Shounan Shinjuku Line and JR Yokosuka Line) ticket gate at 10:50 AM

Course (about 3 hours walking time): Shinkawasaki Station – YumemigaSaki Animal Park – Mitsuike Park – Saiwai Furusato Park – Sojiji Temple  – Tsurumi Sta. – American Style Home Party (Bring food and drink, which can be bought at the end of the walk)

Check out the website to see the wonderful fall colors:

https://taiken.co/single/the-12-best-foliage-viewing-spots-in-kanagawa/ (See #4 (Mitsuike Park) and #4 (Soji-ji Temple)

16:00 JR Tsurumi Station

 BYOD Party in large 10F riverside apartment in Tsurumi  where David’s friend Clyde lives.  We will have a blast there. Please bring your own drinks (which we will buy on the way to Clyde’s place from Tsurumi station).

You may join just the party (if you don’t go on the hike) if you’d like.

Meet at the JR Tsurumi east exit ticket gate at 16:00


Hakone Fall Colors Hike!

1000円, intermediate,  Canceled in case of rain,


Mt. Takanosu (834 meters)

Please bring your food and drink.

We will meet at the gate of Hakoneyumoto station (Hakone Tozan Line) at 9:48 AM. From Shinjuku Station, take the Odakyu Line (Express going towards Odawara) leaving at 7:50AM. This arrives at Odawara at 9:26. Change to the Hakone Tozan Line, leaving at 9:30 and arriving at Hakoneyumoto station at 9:45AM

Please don’t be late since we MUST catch the 10:06AM bus going to Hatajuku (19 minutes, 400 yen).

Hike course: Hatajuku – Mt.Takanosu – Mt Sengen – Shiroyama – Hakoneyumoto The total course time for the hike will be about four and a half hours.

Especially, the red and yellow (maples) leaves should be so wonderful. 

If you want to go to a hot springs after the hike, please bring a change of clothes and a towel!

Please wear trekking shoes (or exercise shoes).



Edogawa River Clean Up + Nijikai Dinner


Gather at Myoden Station: 13:00

River Clean Up: 13:30-16:30

Relaxing riverside: 16:30-17:00

Return to station by Car: 17:00-17:15

Nijikai Dinner at nearby restaurant: 17:30-18:30


Gather at MYODEN Station (Tozai Line) outside the only ticket gate at 13:00, and then go to te Edogawa River by car and pick up trash along the banks for about about 3 hours.


Some participants may go for dinner at a nearby restaurant or weather permitting we could picnic riverside with some bentos bought at a nearby convenience store. The schedule will be flexible up to a vote of the members who do not go home directly.


The Ichikawa Clean Spa with swimming pool (jacuzzis), and sento with rotemburo is only 5 min. away on foot. For those interested in finishing their day with a swim or hot bath (bring swim ware and cap, Y500 admission to pool + Y600 if entering sento/rotemburo area)


As I will be on the river in the morning doing some scouting and precleaning, people welcome to join me at that time, but please make specific arrangements with me by e-mail, arrival time, location, etc.


If you come late, it will be about a 25-min walk to our location on the opposite side of the river from the Clean Spa. Just walk to the river from the station and the head in the direction of Tokyo Bay until you see us along the water line. Also call my cell phone 090-1847-5075 if there are any problems finding us.


In the event of light or medium rain this event will NOT be cancelled as we will move to and from the river by car and we can clean up under cover the bay front bridges as a Plan B as well as adjacent areas using rain ware. In the event of heavy rain/strong winds (e.g., typhoon conditions) or lightning then the event will be cancelled.

Let’s have fun enjoying our local nature while making it better at the same time.

If you will attend please message yaesukita@gmail.com (James Gibbs – Organizer)


Kamakura to Enoshima Coastal Walk & Beach Clean-ups & Sunset!

(FREE)(Easy Course) (Cancelled in case of rain)

We will meet at the west ticket gate (the smaller exit) of Kamakura Station (on the Yokosuka Line) at 12:35PM. From Yokohama Station, take the 12:10PM Yokosuka Line train (towards Zushi).  This arrives at Kamakura at 12:34.

Hiking Course  – Kamakura Station  – Kamakura Yuigahama Beach (Garbage pick-up) – Shichirigahama Beach (Garbage pick-up) – Inamura Point – East Enoshima Beach (Sunset) – Enoshima Station

We will spend about 1 hour each at Yuigahama Beach and Shichirigahama Beach for a beach clean-up. David will have plastic bags, but if you have work gloves, please bring them.

Walking Distance: About 8KM


Nogawa Walking Course & Jindaiji Temple area + Botanical Park (Roses Garden &Chysanthemum Show)!

(EASY)(¥1000 Participation Fee (Children free) + ¥500 Park Entrance Fee) (Will be held even in light rain)

Meeting Place/Time: Chuo Line’s Higashi Koganei Station’s South Exit at 9:00AM

Take the 8:39 Chuo Line Super Express train (going towards Takao) from Shinjuku Station and get off at Mitaka (arriving at 8;52). Change to the Chuo Express (going towards Takao) leaving at 8;53.  This arrives at Higashi Koganei at 8:57.

This is an 6 km course that runs through the suburbs and about half of the walk is along the Nogawa River.  We arrive at Jindaiji temple before noon, where we can enjoy the traditional Japanese atmosphere and have its famous soba noodles if you’d like. We then finish up at Jindai Botanical Park, where there’s a Chrysantemum Show and rose garden.  The entrance fee to the park is ¥500 for adults, ¥250 for those over 65 and ¥200 those 15 years and younger.


https://www.tokyo-park.or.jp/park/format/index049.html (Nogawa River)

https://www.jindaiji.or.jp/en/ (Jindaiji Temple)

http://www.tokyo-park.or.jp/park/format/index045.html  (Jindai Botanical Garden)


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