Chichibu Waterfall & Lake Course Hiking

Requests to the participants
○Please wear masks when indoors (on the train, in shops, etc). Also, after the event, when eating or drinking on the train, please make sure to keep the mask on after each time you eat or drink (don’t keep it off). Remember to keep both mouth and nose covered, not hanging under the chin.
○Please keep social distancing and avoid close, group gatherings. If you have any symptom, please refrain from joining.
○In order to avoid crowding at supermarkets and convenient stores, please bring your lunch with you to the meeting place. We will not stop at any stores after meeting.
○Please cooperate with us in providing your contact information (your full name, email address and telephone number) just in case of Corona incident.

(¥1000 Participation Fee)(Cancelled in case of rain) (Moderate Course) HALF NEW!

Meeting place and time: At the ticket gate of Higashi Moro at 9:55 am.

Train: If you are going from Ikebukuro, take the Tobu Tojo Line’s Express Train at 9:00 and change at Sakado (arriving here at 9:37) to the Tobu Ogose Line.  Take the 9:39 am Tobu Ogose Line train to Higashi Moro Station.  It arrives there at 9:53 am.

Course: Higashi Moro Station – Shishigataki Waterfall – Kamakita Lake – Shukuya-no-taki Waterfall –  Higashi Moro Station

The hike itself is about 5 hours (14 km).

Please bring your own food and drink.


Sarushima Walking Tour

(Easy Course)(Cancelled in case of stormy rain)(¥1000 Participation Fee) (¥200 for admission) (¥1400 for a round ferry ride)

It’s a great day-trip destination, an only uninhabited island in Tokyo
Bay. The ocean is clean. This area is famous for being the inspiration
for ruins in the Studio Ghibli’s movie Castle in the Sky.

☆The donation will be given to Riasunomori – an organization in
Ishinomaki which works for community development.
☆The program is ¥1000. Admission is ¥200. A round ferry ride is ¥1400.

☆Meeting Time/Place: 10:00 Keikyu Line Yokosuka-chuo Station East ticket
☆Course (about 2 hours): Yokosuka-chuo Station – Mikasa Park – Mikasa
Pier – Sarushima Pier – Navy Monument – Power Station – Brick Tunnel –
Observatory Area – Sarushima Pier – Mikasa Pier – Yokosuka Station
☆Any inquiries may be made to
ichi_mariko at
following the term  [Jambo]  at the head of the subject.
Please replace at with @.
Don’t forget to whitelist this EM address.
☆Leader: Ichikawa Mariko
Wear a mask.
Keep a physical distance.
Stay home if you have any symptoms.


1) Hike and swim & 2) Edogawa River Clean Up (Separate Events)

Requests to the participants
○Please wear masks when indoors (on the train, in shops, etc). Also, after the event, when eating or drinking on the train, please make sure to keep the mask on after each time you eat or drink (don’t keep it off). Remember to keep both mouth and nose covered, not hanging under the chin.
○Please keep social distancing and avoid close, group gatherings. If you have any symptom, please refrain from joining.
○In order to avoid crowding at supermarkets and convenient stores, please bring your lunch with you to the meeting place. We will not stop at any stores after meeting.
○Please cooperate with us in providing your contact information (your full name, email address and telephone number) just in case of Corona incident.

1) Hiking Details
(Participation Fee 1000 yen) (Intermediate Course)(Cancelled in case of rain)

Meeting Time/Place: Torisawa Ticket Gate at 9:55 am
(We will not be able to wait for the next train since the trains are infrequent. Please make sure to meet on time)

Train Schedule
9:24 Takao Station (JR Chuo Line going towards Kofu)
9:52 Arrive at Torisawa Station

Course: Torisawa Station – Mt. Kuratake – Yanagawa Gorge (for river fun) – Yanagawa Station
We will finish by relaxing on the Yanagawa River, where you can stroll along the river and swim into a gorge.

Walking time: 4.5 hours
Please bring your lunch and drink. If you want to swim, also bring swimwear.

2) Edogawa River Clean-up

Gather at Myoden Station: 13:00
Go to the river by car: 13:10
River Clean Up: 13:30-16:30
Relaxing riverside: 16:30-17:00
Return to station by Car: 17:00-17:15
Nijikai Dinner at nearby restaurant: 17:30-18:30

Gather at MYODEN Station (Tozai Line) outside the only ticket gate at
13:00, and then go to te Edogawa River by car and pick up trash along
the banks for about about 3 hours.

Some participants may go for dinner at a nearby restaurant or weather
permitting we could picnic riverside with some bentos bought at a nearby
convenience store. The schedule will be flexible up to a vote of the
members who do not go home directly.

As I will be on the river in the morning doing some scouting and
precleaning, people welcome to join me at that time, but please make
specific arrangements with call James (the organizer) (090-1847-5075).

If you come late, it will be about a 25-min walk to our location on the
opposite side of the river from the Clean Spa. We’ll start under the
Tokyo Bay front bridges (Rt. 357, highway & Keiyo Line)

In the event of light or medium rain this event will NOT be cancelled as
we will move to and from the river by car and we will be cleaning up
under the cover of bridges. In the event of heavy rain/strong winds
(e.g., typhoon conditions) or lightning then the event will be cancelled.

Let’s have fun enjoying our local nature while making it better at the
same time.


Chichibu Hike and Swim (Hanno)

Depending on the changing circumstances surrounding Corona, sometimes the event may suddenly be canceled or the place changed, so make sure to confirm by checking the planned event on this site on the evening before.

Requests to the participants

○Make sure to wear masks when indoors (on the train, in shops, etc). Also, after the event, when eating or drinking on the train, please make sure to keep the mask on after each time you eat or drink (don’t keep it off). Remember to keep both mouth and nose covered, not hanging under the chin.

○In order to continue sustainable activities, we’d like to ask to keep social distancing and avoid close, group gatherings. If you have any symptom, please refrain from joining.

○In order to avoid crowding at supermarkets and convenient stores, please bring your lunch with you to the meeting place. We will not stop at any stores after meeting.

○Please cooperate with us in providing your contact information (your full name, email address and telephone number) just in case of Corona incident.

(Participation Fee 1000 yen)(Intermediate Course) (Cancelled in case of rain)

Meeting Place/Time: Hanno Station ticket gate at 10:40 am

If you are going from Ikebukuro, take the Seibu Ikebukuro (Express) Line’s 9:50 am train and get off at Hanno Station, arriving there at 10:38 am.

Course: Hanno Station – Mt. Tenran – Mt. Tonosu – Iruma River (Swimming & river fun) – Hanno Station

Walking time: About 3.5 hours

Please wear appropriate shoes (tennis shoes, hiking boots), bring a lunch to eat on the mountain, and plenty of liquids.  Since we’ll be swimming in the river, also bring your swimsuit and towel.


1) CANCELED : Chichibu Hike & 2) Arakawa River Clean Up (Separate Events)

Depending on the changing circumstances surrounding Corona, sometimes the event may suddenly be canceled or the place changed, so make sure to confirm by checking the planned event on this site on the evening before.

Requests to the participants

○Make sure to wear masks when indoors (on the train, in shops, etc). Also, after the event, when eating or drinking on the train, please make sure to keep the mask on after each time you eat or drink (don’t keep it off). Remember to keep both mouth and nose covered, not hanging under the chin.

○In order to continue sustainable activities, we’d like to ask to keep social distancing and avoid close, group gatherings. If you have any symptom, please refrain from joining.

○In order to avoid crowding at supermarkets and convenient stores, please bring your lunch with you to the meeting place. We will not stop at any stores after meeting.

○Please cooperate with us in providing your contact information (your full name, email address and telephone number) just in case of Corona incident.

1) Chichibu Hike and Swim (Hanno) 
(Participation Fee 1000 yen)(Intermediate Course) (Cancelled in case of rain)

Meeting Place/Time: Hanno Station ticket gate at 10:40 am

If you are going from Ikebukuro, take the Seibu Ikebukuro (Express) Line’s 9:50 am train and get off at Hanno Station, arriving there at 10:38 am.

Course: Hanno Station – Mt. Tenran – Mt. Tonosu – Iruma River (Swimming & river fun) – Hanno Station

Walking time: About 3.5 hours

Please wear appropriate shoes (tennis shoes, hiking boots), bring a lunch to eat on the mountain, and plenty of liquids.  Since we’ll be swimming in the river, also bring your swimsuit and towel.

2) Arakawa River Clean Up


Gather at Funabori Station: 13:00
Go to the river 13:10
River Clean Up: 13:30-16:30
Relaxing riverside: 16:30-17:00
Return to station by Car: 17:00-17:15


Gather at FUNABORI Station (Shinjuku Line) outside the ticket gate at 13:00, and then go to the Arakawa River and pick up trash along the river bank for about about 3 to 3 and half hours.


We will clean the backside of the Nakade roughly between the Funabori Bridge and the Nishi Kasai Bridge.


As I will be on the river in the morning doing some scouting and precleaning, people, who may not be free in the afternoon, are welcome to join me at that time. Please go directly to the river as well as call James (the organizer) (090-1847-5075) to coordinate a meeting place.


If you come late, it will be about a 25-min walk to our location on the river at the waterline between the Shinjuku Line train bridge and the

Kasaibashi Bridge. Also call James cell phone 090-1847-5075 if there are any problems finding us.


In the event of light or medium rain this event will NOT be cancelled as we will use rain ware and take cover as necessary. In the event of heavy rain/strong winds (e.g., typhoon conditions) or lightning then the event will be cancelled or stopped if already in progress.

Let’s have fun enjoying our local nature while making it better at the same time.


Oota Ward Green Walk & Wild Bird Park

Depending on the changing circumstances surrounding Corona, sometimes the event may suddenly be canceled or the place changed, so make sure to confirm by checking the planned event on this site on the evening before.

Requests to the participants

○Make sure to wear masks when indoors (on the train, in shops, etc). Also, after the event, when eating or drinking on the train, please make sure to keep the mask on after each time you eat or drink (don’t keep it off). Remember to keep both mouth and nose covered, not hanging under the chin.

○In order to continue sustainable activities, we’d like to ask to keep social distancing and avoid close, group gatherings. If you have any symptom, please refrain from joining.

○In order to avoid crowding at supermarkets and convenient stores, please bring your lunch with you to the meeting place. We will not stop at any stores after meeting.

○Please cooperate with us in providing your contact information (your full name, email address and telephone number) just in case of Corona incident.

(Participation Fee 1000 yen + 300 yen Bird Park Entrance Fee) (Easy) (We go even if in light rain) 

Meeting Time &  Place: Keihin Kyuukou Heiwajima Station Ticket Gate at 12:03 pm

Shinagawa Station departure (Keikyu line Local going toward Kanagawa Shinmachi) –  11:49am –  Heiwajima Station arrival 12:01 pm

COURSE: Heiwajima Station → Heiwa Forest Park → Tokyo Bay Wild Bird Park → Ooi Central Seaside Park → Shinagawa Kumie Park – Tachiaigawa Station

Walking time: About 3.5 hours  8 km
Bring lunch food and liquids for the walk.

Check out this pamphlet about the Tokyo Bay Wild Bird Park: 


Musashi-Itsukaichi Hiking & River Fun

Depending on the changing circumstances surrounding Corona, sometimes the event may suddenly be canceled or the place changed, so make sure to confirm by checking the planned event on this site on the evening before.

Requests to the participants
○Make sure to wear masks when indoors (on the train, in shops, etc). Also, after the event, when eating or drinking on the train, please make sure to keep the mask on after each time you eat or drink (don’t keep it off). Remember to keep both mouth and nose covered, not hanging under the chin.
○In order to continue sustainable activities, we’d like to ask to keep social distancing and avoid close, group gatherings. If you have any symptom, please refrain from joining.
○In order to avoid crowding at supermarkets and convenient stores, please bring your lunch with you to the meeting place. We will not stop at any stores after meeting.
○Please cooperate with us in providing your contact information (your full name, email address and telephone number) just in case of Corona incident.

(1000 yen Participation Fee) (Easy Course) (Cancelled in case of rain) 

Meeting place and time: At the ticket gate of Musashi-Itsukaichi Station (on the Itsukaichi Line) at 11:50 am.

Train Schedule: Be sure to arrive by this time since the trains are infrequent and we will be unable to wait for the next train.

Depending on where you live, you may be taking a different route, but for those going from Tachikawa, you can use the following train.

From Tachikawa, take the Chuo Line (going towards Oume) at 11:15 am, arriving at Haijima Station at 11:27 am.  Change to the 11:32 am JR Musashi-Itsukaichi Line train (Be sure to get on the part of the train that goes to Musashi-Itsukaichi), arriving at Musashi-Itsukaichi Station at 11:49 am.

Course: Musashi-Itsukaichi Station – Komine Park (Lunch) – Sakura Ridge Hiking Course – Kongo Waterfall – Kotokuji Temple – Akigawa River Swim&Fun –  Riverside Walk – Musashi-Itsukaichi Station

Walking Time: about 4 hours
Please bring plenty of liquids, lunch and swimwear/river goods.


Tokyo Summer Resort walking tour

(Easy Course)(Cancelled in case of heavy rain)

(¥1000 Participation Fee) 

There’s a waterfall at a park. it’s a free secret oasis to heal your mind.

☆The donation will be given to Riasunomori – an organization in Ishinomaki which works for community development.

☆The program is ¥1000. 

☆Meeting Time/Place: 10:00 JR Keihin-Tohoku Line Kaminakazato Station ticket gate

☆Course (about 2 hours):  Kaminakazato Station – Earthquake Science Museum – Asukayama Park – Otonashi- Nanushi-no-Nushi-Taki Park – Oji Inari Shrine – Oji Station

☆Walking Time: About 1 hour (about 5km) plus a lot of time for sightseeing so the walk should take about 2 hours.

☆Any inquiries may be made to 

ichi_mariko at

following the term  [Jambo]  at the head of the subject.

Please replace at with @.

Don’t forget to whitelist this EM address. 

☆Leader: Ichikawa Mariko


※Wear a mask.

※Keep a physical distance.

※Stay home if you have any symptoms.

※In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, this event may be canceled. We will try to make an early decision, but please check Twitter before participating.

※We will ask you to write down your name, telephone number and email address to inform you in case we have a COVID-19 case.



1) Canal/Parks Double Walk & Sunset Picnic on the Sumida River and  2) Edogawa River Clean-up (Separate Events)

Depending on the changing circumstances surrounding Corona, sometimes the event may suddenly be canceled or the place changed, so make sure to confirm by checking the planned event on this site on the evening before.

Requests to the participants
○Make sure to wear masks when indoors (on the train, in shops, etc). Also, after the event, when eating or drinking on the train, please make sure to keep the mask on after each time you eat or drink (don’t keep it off). Remember to keep both mouth and nose covered, not hanging under the chin.
○In order to continue sustainable activities, we’d like to ask to keep social distancing and avoid close, group gatherings. If you have any symptom, please refrain from joining.
○Please cooperate with us in providing your contact information (your full name, email address and telephone number) just in case of Corona incident.

1) Canal/Parks Double Walk & Sunset Picnic on the Sumida River

(1000 Yen (for either half or the whole thing) (Easy Course)(Will be held even in light rain)

Meeting Time/Place: 1:30 pm at Sumiyoshi Station (Toei Shinjuku Line) Exit A3 or 3:30 pm at MinamiSunamachi Station (Tozai Line) Exit 2a 

Course:  Sumiyoshi Station – Sarue Park – Onagigawa Canal – Sendaiborigawa Park – MinamiSunamachi Station (3:30 pm) – Sendaiborigawa Canal – Yokojukken Water Park (canal walk) – Kiba Park – Canal Walk – Botancho Park – Echujima Park (Sunset picnic on the Sumida River 6:00 pm -7:00 pm) – Monzennakacho Station

Walking Time: About 3.5 Hours (10 km)
For those joining along the way, please contact David at 080-6546-7688.

2) Edogawa River Clean-up

Gather at Barakinakayama Station: 13:00
River Clean Up: 13:30-16:30
Relaxing riverside: 16:30-17:00
Return to station by Car: 17:00-17:15


Gather at Barakinakayama Station (Tozai Line) outside the only ticket gate at 13:00., and then go to the Edogawa River by car and pick up trash along the banks for about about 3 hours.


As I will be on the river in the morning doing some scouting and precleaning, people welcome to join me at that time, but please make specific arrangements with James (the organizer) at 090-1847-5075.


If you come late, it will be about a 25-min walk to our location on the opposite side of the river from the Clean Spa. Just walk to the river from the station and the head in the direction of Tokyo Bay until you see us along the water line. Also call James if there are any problems finding us.


In the event of light or medium rain this event will NOT be cancelled as we will move to and from the river by car and we can clean up under cover the bay front bridges as a Plan B as well as adjacent areas using rain ware. In the event of heavy rain/strong winds (e.g., typhoon conditions) or lightning then the event will be cancelled.

Let’s have fun enjoying our local nature while making it better at the same time.


Oume Ridge Hiking & River Fun/Picnic

Depending on the changing circumstances surrounding Corona, sometimes the event may suddenly be canceled or the place changed, so make sure to confirm by checking the planned event on this site on the evening before.

Requests to the participants
○Make sure to wear masks when indoors (on the train, in shops, etc). Also, after the event, when eating or drinking on the train, please make sure to keep the mask on after each time you eat or drink (don’t keep it off). Remember to keep both mouth and nose covered, not hanging under the chin.
○In order to continue sustainable activities, we’d like to ask to keep social distancing and avoid close, group gatherings. If you have any symptom, please refrain from joining.
○In order to avoid crowding at supermarkets and convenient stores, please bring your lunch with you to the meeting place. We will not stop at any stores after meeting.

(Easy Course) (1000 yen Participation Fee) (Cancelled in case of rain)

Meeting place and time: Miyanohira Station at 12:52pm

Train Schedule: Be sure to arrive by this time since the trains are infrequent and we will be unable to wait for the next train.

Depending on where you live, you may be taking a different route, but for those going from Shinjuku, you can use the following train.

Take the 11:44am (JR Chuo Line going towards Oume)  Express train from Shinjuku Station. This arrives at Oume Station at 12:42pm.  Go across the platform and take the 12:47pm train towards Okutama. This train arrives at Miyanohira Station at 12:50pm.

Hiking Course – Miyanohira Station – Oume Ridge Hiking Course – We’ll stop by a convenient store – Kama no Fuchi Park – Oume Station

This hiking is about 3 hours.
Please bring plenty of liquids and swimwear/river goods.  We won’t make time for lunch.

Please take a look:


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