Time: 10:30-15:00


Details: Gather at BARAKINAKAYAMA Station (Tozai Line) outside the only ticket gate at 10:30 and then go to the Edogawa River by car and pick up trash along the banks. About 12:45 we will take a break for lunch with bentos riverside. Either bring your own or I can pick up bentos at a nearby convenience store using my bicycle. If you come late, it will be about a 25 to 30 min walk to our location on the river (behind the Clean Spa) or take the Clean Spa shuttle buss. Also call James cell phone 090-1847-5075 if there are any problems finding us. This event will not be cancelled in the case of rain (unless heavy winds or lightning).

Let’s have fun enjoying our local nature while making it better at the same time. If you will attend please message yaesukita@gmail.com

Organizer: James Gibbs 


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