New developments and ideas

Amazing how time flies. It seems we just celebrated the new year and already the sights and smells of springtime are tickling our hearts and minds. And spring, as spring usually does, brings new developments and ideas.

First of all, David will continue leading events, but in a limited capacity, to protect his knee. You will see a lot of events where we split at some point and David takes a group on a shorter, easier course, while the other group marches on with the other leader. All in the spirit of making Jambo all-inclusive and accessible for participants of all ages and strength levels.

Secondly, we are now working together with a service called Trippiece to spread the word about Jambo events to the international community in Japan. The volunteer outdoor events seem to be very popular, with the Tama Zoo event in February bringing a record number of 24 participants. On a rainy day! Thanks to the great work of Shuying and Tammy from Trippiece.

Also, words of gratitude go to Guy, who led a hike to a place yet unexplored by Jambo. Other leaders are preparing events soon, but we are always looking for more. The call for leaders is still active!



All of us wish to change something in our lives – our job, our friends, our family, our living situation. And yet, what is the fundamental change we truly seek? Could it be some kind of unshakeable happiness and fulfillment? If so, this cannot be attained by external changes, because even if we can change these outer aspects of our lives, the feeling of dissatisfaction eventually returns.

There are also changes which suddenly force themselves on us unwillingly – an accident, getting divorced, losing a job. How do we deal with those? For one person, this may be devastating, moving her to a life of despair. To another, this is an opportunity to “learn from the loss” and become more appreciative of what she still has or commit herself to more fulfillment in other parts of her life.

In other words, the most fundamental change never comes from outside of ourselves, but rather from inside. When a spirit of contentment, gratitude, and love is cultivated on a regular basis, you can find happiness even in troubling times. Cultivating such a spirit is the best, and kindest, thing you can ever do for yourself and for others.



Jambo needs YOU.

As this is the January essay, you may expect an essay on the symbolism of this year’s zodiac animal. Perhaps a review of the previous year’s ever-flowing stream of Jambo events. While recognition is due to everyone who contributed their time, money and energy to Jambo, there is a really urgent matter that has to be taken care of.


Giving and Receiving

NishizawaGorgeNov2 - 3058

Giving and Receiving

During this holy month of December, in western countries Kris Kringle (gift exchange) is often done. People bring presents and give them to others. What makes it fun is that we don’t know who we are giving to or who are getting a present from. The important thing is the joy of sharing with each other.

Sharing in our everyday lives blesses our lives not only with material goods, but also with good relationships. Our society often places a high value on giving to others (through charities and personal support). While this is indeed a virtuous act, it is also important to be able to receive things graciously. This month’s Ponderings reflect 2 different attitudes in receiving – one of taking whatever I can get and one of acquiring something appreciatively, as follows:

“Well, when I offer people a drink of water, I’m happy if they take it. Did you expect me to sadden the old man by depriving him of the joy of giving me something?”
When we truly treasure giving and receiving, sharing with others becomes a joy and enriches our lives with the many connections which it builds.

May you build many such “golden bridges” during this holiday season and beyond!



Sometimes, to understand something, it’s necessary to distance oneself from it. Take a vacation, both in the literal and metaphorical sense. For example, since I had left Poland for Japan, I gained a new appreciation for my nation’s heritage. Admittedly, moving to another country is an extreme example, but the principle applies to a number of things, good and bad. To realize you have an addiction, you have to try to quit. To make a decision, sometimes you need to forget about it. To really appreciate your friends and family, you have to miss them. And we can taste food most discriminately when hungry, treasure each coin when lacking money and sleep best when tired. Human nature is irrational like that.


The Joy of Giving

OkutamaAug31 - 2873
Image being forced to leave your home because there is war all around you, or because your children are starving to death, or because the government wants to kill you for standing up for your rights. You go to another country where you don’t know the language, any people, and have no idea what the future holds. Pretty frightening, huh? How fortunate most of us are not to go through such an ordeal.

Yet, that is the life of many refugees around the world. I had the opportunity to go to Icho Apartments (イチョウ団地)in Kanagawa, where many refugees (mainly from Southeast Asia and South America) live together with Japanese. Despite their difficult circumstances, they were full of life and the spirit of giving, offering food (for free) and holding performances of their respective countries at their multi-cultural festival (多文化祭り). What a beautiful thing to see – the “poor volunteering for the rich.” We usually assume it’s the other way around.

It goes to show that all of us have something worthwhile to give. You, too, can find your gift and something you enjoy doing, and share that with others – this has a boomerang effect with others wishing to share with you, and everyone benefits. The people’s spirit of sharing and caring at Icho Apartments has brought in many volunteers from outside (to teach Japanese, play with the kids, etc. – ) , and it is in making and deepening such relationships that everyone can lead more fulfilling lives.

Be good to yourself – doing something you enjoy and are good at, sharing it with others, and experiencing the joy of connecting!


The Spirit of Jambo

ChichibuMay6 - 2510
The JAMBO International’s Financial Statements for 2013 are now up on the website at (look under 2013). Feel free to take a look. They show how participants’ funds are used, JAMBO’s healthy condition, and the names of all of those who volunteer their time and money to make JAMBO possible.

Money, however, is only a minor part of the JAMBO mission. The motto – Helping Others, Doing Good – is indeed the main purpose. And yet, it is my hope that I (and others) live up to the grander spirit of JAMBO, which includes

Respect for Others
Encouraging Diversity
Being Open to Everyone
Empowering Ourselves and Others
Understanding & Acceptance
Compassion & Kindness towards All of Life
Cultivating a Sense of Wonder

JAMBO depends on the cooperation of so many people, and I am only a part of it, yet I have been asked time and again what I really want JAMBO to be. This is it, and I write about these things on my bi-weekly blog ( ), which is in English only. Even if you don’t understand English, please take a look at the link at the end of each blog since they are quite inspirational. I especially like the most recent one ( with its catchy tune and the circle of kindness. ENJOY!!!


Take a Chance

FussaApr6 - 2395
Every spring, plants and animals come out of their “winter sleep” to once again start a new life. Ignorant of the many troubles in the world, they continue growing and, in the process (like in the case of flowers), they share their beauty for all to see.

The cold of winter still lingers on, but “life” (plants and animals) take the chance, reproducing and experiencing growth pains in their march to become their true selves. And, as a result, all of us (people) benefit by their efforts.

Fear of the pain which often accompanies growth often prevents us from taking a risk. And yet, many of us complain about the rut which we have dug for ourselves. While it can be scary to go out and meet people different from us, start a new job, or move towards your dream (ideal life), it is this kind of risk which helps us to realize what we truly want and move towards an ever more fulfilling life, where we can share our newfound beauty with those around us, just like the majestic cherry tree.


A Loving Challenge

21世紀の森 - 2219Our personal struggles, as well as most of the world’s major conflicts, are a result of “I think… or I believe…. and you are different” mentality. Sometimes, our words about how we see the world cause pain to others who have a different point of view, even when we are so fundamentally similar.

People get tired of these conflicts, blaming the other for not understanding – it’s always THE OTHER’s fault, and the cycle of violence and hard feelings continue. Luckily, we have some beacons of light in recent history who have shown us ways to overcome this vicious cycle (more…)


Real Progress!

YoroDec1 - 1957
To create a world of delight – WHAT A JOY!

In today’s world, being in a hurry shows one’s sense of importance, but in a deeper sense, it can also be a form of mental laziness. When we are too busy, we don’t have time to nurture our relationships. We passively accept that causing animals to suffer in order to provide our meat, or people to suffer in order to provide us with cheap goods is inevitable in the modern world. And yet, all of this is UP TO US!!!

Our laziness permits these evils to persist. How much easier it is to cut down a tree (destroy) than to plant a tree and nurture it (create). But how much more beautiful a forest full of different kinds of trees and animals is than a deserted landscape. Creating takes time and effort, and the fruits therefrom can create (more…)



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