All of us wish to change something in our lives – our job, our friends, our family, our living situation. And yet, what is the fundamental change we truly seek? Could it be some kind of unshakeable happiness and fulfillment? If so, this cannot be attained by external changes, because even if we can change these outer aspects of our lives, the feeling of dissatisfaction eventually returns.

There are also changes which suddenly force themselves on us unwillingly – an accident, getting divorced, losing a job. How do we deal with those? For one person, this may be devastating, moving her to a life of despair. To another, this is an opportunity to “learn from the loss” and become more appreciative of what she still has or commit herself to more fulfillment in other parts of her life.

In other words, the most fundamental change never comes from outside of ourselves, but rather from inside. When a spirit of contentment, gratitude, and love is cultivated on a regular basis, you can find happiness even in troubling times. Cultivating such a spirit is the best, and kindest, thing you can ever do for yourself and for others.


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