Int’l Friendship Sushi Party

6:30-9:30pm at the Polygon (behind the Oriental Bazaar on Omotesando)


For JAMBO members, the cost is ¥3,500 for men and ¥3,000 for women w/reservation (or plus ¥500 if you go directly without making a reservation). All beer, wine, cocktails, sot drinks + sushi buffet, garden salad, veggies, cheeses, breads, and pies for dessert included. Reservations can be made with David at or phone (03-6599-8112) by June 10.

Half of your admission fee will be donated to the African Wildlife Foundation, a group in Africa that works to protect the environment while, at the same time, promoting the development of the local people. is their homepage.

So you can have an enjoyable evening and help a good cause at the same time.

If you’d like to go with David, please meet at Exit A1 of Omotesando Station at 6:15PM on the 11th.


Chichibu Flower Exploratory Course!

Please bring your own food and drink.

We will meet at the ticket gate of Higashi Moro at 10:40AM. From Ikebukuro, take the Tobu Tojo Line’s Express Train at 9:30 and change at Sakado (arriving here at 10:13) to the Tobu Ogose Line. Take the 10:25AM Tobu Ogose Line train to Higashi Moro Station. It arrives there at 10:38AM. 

There are roses, irises and hydrongea on this course. The course we take will depend on which flowers are blooming, but we’ll probably do this one:

Higashi Moro Station – Rose Garden – Iris field – Hydrongea Road – Mt. Hanamagari – Higashi Moro Station

Please feel free to take a look of the map and pictures at this link:


The hike itself is about 5 hours. Should be a lot of fun! The train fare is 630 Yen one-way from Ikebukuro. 
If you’d like to go together from Ikebukuro, get on the front of the 9:30 Tobu Tojo Line train from there.


Okutama Hike

5/22 (Sunday) – Okutama Hike (¥500 Participation Fee) (Bring your own beverages and lunch box) (Cancelled in case of rain)(A bit difficult)

Meet at the JR Ohme Line’s Kori Station’s Ticket Gate at 9:30 am. From Shinjuku, take the Chuo Line Special Express at 7:52 to Tachikawa (arriving at 8:17) and change here for the Oume Line, leaving Tachikawa at 8:20 and arriving at Oume Station at 8:55AM. Change here to the Oume Line (local) leaving at 8:56 and arriving at Kori Station at 9:26AM. Be sure to arrive on this train as we will be unable to wait for the next one.

If you want to ride on the train with others, please get on the front car at Shinjuku Station (David will get on that same train at Mitaka Station.)

The hike will be Kori Station – Mt. Ootsuka – Mitake Shrine -Mt. Mitake -Nanayono Waterfall – Rock Garden – Mt. Mitake – Mitake Station

The hiking time is about 6 hours, but if you get tired, you can hike about 3 hours, then take a cable car. This hike as spectacular scenery.


Forest Restoration Project

May 15 (Sunday) – Forest Restoration Project in Okutama (Hatonosu) (Cutting down old trees and making hiking paths) Participation Fee \200

We will meet at the Hatonosu Station Ticket gate at 9:35AM. Take the Oume Line train from Tachikawa at 8:20AM. This arrives at Oume (the last stop) at 8:55. Cross the platform and take the 8:56 (Okutama bound) train. This arrives at Hatonosu at 9:32AM.

David and other JAMBO members will take part in this project which is put on by the Tama Forest/”Great Nature School” (my terrible translation) Office. RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED as soon as possible (by May 3) and the number of people is limited. If interested, please look up the detailed information and how to reserve on their homepage( (only in Japanese)


Int’l Friendship Sushi Party

May 14 (Saturday) – Int’l Friendship Sushi Party from 6:30-9:30pm at the Polygon (behind the Oriental Bazaar on Omotesando)


For JAMBO members, the cost is Y3,500 for men and \3,000 for women w/reservation (or plus \500 if you go directly without making a reservation). All beer, wine, cocktails, sot drinks + sushi buffet, garden salad, veggies, cheeses, breads, and pies for dessert included. Reservations can be made with David at or phone (03-6599-8112) by May 13.

Half of your admission fee will go for the earthquake relief efforts. Please take a look at these HPs where we donate funds:

Peace Boat-

Ashinaga (supporting orphans) –

So you can have an enjoyable evening and help a good cause at the same time.

If you’d like to go with David, please meet at Exit A1 of Omotesando Station at 6:15PM on the 14th.


Forest Restoration Project in Takao

May 10 (Tuesday) – Forest Restoration Project in Takao (Cutting down old trees and making hiking paths)(Fee: 200 Yen for Insurance)

9:30AM – 3:30PM

(Bring your own beverages and lunch box)

This project is a 15 minute walk from Takao Station. Any interested people may contact David for more details by May 5 (since reservations are necessary).


Old Tokaido Road and Mt. Sengen Hike

May 5 (Thursday) Old Tokaido Road and Mt. Sengen Hike (802M)(Intermediate)

(Participation Fee 500 yen) (Cancelled in case of rain) Half NEW!

We’ll meet at the gate of Hakoneyumoto Station (on the Hakone Railway) at 10:20AM.

From Shinjuku, take the 8:20 Odakyuu Line express to SagamiOono (arriving at 8:58). Change there to the 9:03 train going towards Odawara. Get off at Odawara at 10:02 and change to the 10:03 Hakone railway, getting off at Hakone Yumoto at 10:18). We’ll meet at that station’s ticket gate at 10:20.

For those going from Shinjuku, get on the front car of the 8:20 train. David will get on that car from Yoyogi Uehara.

Hiking Course: Hakone Yumoto Station – HatakeJuku (about 2 hours on the Old Tokaido Road) – Mt. Sengen – Mt. Shiroyama – Hakone Yumoto

About 5.75 hours walking time.

Please check out the following HP for information: (Old Tokaido Road – From Hakone Yumoto – Ashinoko Lake)


Flower Double Whammy!

May 3 (Tuesday) – Nishizawa Azalea Garden & Jindai Botanical Park Flower Double Whammy! (EASY)(¥500 Participation Fee + ¥500 Jindai Park Entrance Fee) (Cancelled in case of rain) Half NEW!

Meeting Place/Time: Keio Line’s ChitoseKarakuyama Station’s West Exit at 9:58AM (Get on the front car of the 9:41 Express Keio Line) or Keio Line’s Tobitakyuu Station’s North Exit at 11:25AM.

Course: ChitoseKarasuyama Station – Nishizawa Azalea Garden (15,000 stalks) – Tobitakyuu Station (by train arriving at 11:22) – Musashino Forest Park – Jindai Botanical Garden (Wisteria, Azalea and other flowers should be in bloom)

This is an 8 km course. We finish up at Jindai Botanical Park. The entrance fee to the park is ¥500 for adults, ¥500 for those over 65 and ¥500 those 15 years and younger.

Please see the following HPs: (Jindai Botanical Park) (Nishizawa Azalea Park) (Musashino Forest Park)


Chichibu SPECIAL

May 1 (Sunday) Chichibu SPECIAL – Mountain Flower Road and Multi-colored grass Hiking (Intermediate Course) Half NEW!!!
(Participation Fee 500 yen) (Cancelled in case of rain)

Meeting Time & Place: 9:00AM at Ashigakubo Station’s ticket gate or 12:20 at Yokose Station’s ticket gate

Take the Seibu Ikebukuro Line Express train from Ikebukuro Station at 7:35AM. This arrives at Ashigakubo at 9:00AM.

For late comers, take the Seibu Ikebukuro Line Express train from Ikebukuro Station at 10:35AM. This arrives at Hanno Station (the final destination) at 11:31AM. Change here to the Seibu Chichibu Line (which leaves at 11:34) and get off at Yokose Station (arriving at 12:19).

For early comers, meet on the front of the 7:35 train at Ikebukuro if you want to go from there.

Hiking Course: Ashigakubo Station – Mountain Flower Road – Mt. Hinata – Yokose Station – Hitsujiyama Park – Chichibu Station

The total walking time is about 6 hours.

Please bring your lunch and drink.

Check out the following HPs for more information: (Mountain Flower Road) (Hiking course from Yokose) (Hiking Course) (Multi-colored Grass Park)



April 24 (Sunday) – EARTH DAY SUPER ECO PROGRAM – Tamagawa, Todoroki Gorge, Sunset Hiking and Garbage Clean Up (500 Yen) (Cancelled in case of rain!) HALFNEW!

Meet at 10:30AM at Tamagawa station (on the Tokyuu Toyoko Line) ticket gate OR (for late risers) meet at 1:45PM at Todoroki (on the Tokyuu Oimachi Line) Station ticket gate at 1:45PM.

tamagawa station, japan

Course: Tamagawa Station – Tamagawadai Park (Water plants botanical garden) – Tamagawa River Garbage pick up – Todoroki Gorge – Todoroki Station (1:45) – Todoroki Gorge – Tamagawa River Garbage pick up – Futago Tamagawa Hyogoshima Park (Sunset)

This is an easy hike so children can join too. On the riverside, we will pick up garbage (so bring a garbage bag or two) and also play sports (so bring frisbees, balls, whatever).

Walking Distance: about 10KM


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