Let’s write letters to children in Zambia (Africa)!


19:00 – 21:00

Venue: JAMBO School (Map) – Tomioka 1-26-13-203 Koto-Ward Tokyo (ShimadaBld. Room 203) (a 3 minute walk from MonzenNakaCho Station Exit 2)

19:00 – 20:00  Write letters to children!

As a sign of support, we will make and send letters to the children at the NPO Tikondane (ZAMBIA), which is one of the charities which Jambo is supporting this month.

David will bring cards that you can write a message and picture on. Also, if you have some origami, bookmarks, postcards, or other interesting paper products to send with the letters, please bring them. JAMBO will put the letters and other paper things together and send them to TIKONDANE.

20:00 – 21:00 – Informal get-together (Please bring snacks and drinks to

enjoy during this time)

Reservation requested! (by May 10 to jambodave@green.email.ne.jp)

LIMIT: 10 people

Contacts: Mr Yamazaki – LVC (090-5815-6659) or David (080-6546-7688)


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