(Intermediate Course)(Participation Fee 1000 yen) (Canceled in case of rain)

MEETING TIME AND PLACE:  10:15 a.m. in front of the ticket gate of Takao-san-guchi Station of the Keio Line.

TRANSPORTATION:  If you’re coming from Shinjuku, take the Keio Line (express going towards Keio Hachioji) departing from Keio Shinjuku Station at 9:20 a.m. and arriving at Kitano at 9:55. Change at Kitano to the Keio line train going towards Takaosanguchi, leaving at 9:58 and arriving Takao-san-guchi Station at 10:12.

WALKING TIME:  About five hours

Course:  TakaoSanGuchi Station – Mt. Nakazawa – South Takao Ridge – Nishiyama Pass (Lake views) – TakaoSanGuchi


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