With LVC!
外国人向きだから、英語の説明だけです。WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY for foreigners living in Japan to learn Japanese in a friendly environment, make connections with Japanese who are actively involved with volunteerism, find short term and long term volunteer opportunities, and have a fun time sharing food, drink and conversation.

19:00 – 20:00 – Private or semi-private conversation/lesson in Japanese or (if nobody wants a lesson) talk on volunteerism

20:00 – 21:00 – An information get-together in English and Japanese while eating and drinking (Free if you bring some snacks/drinks OR ¥500 for the snacks/drinks we provide). Learn about volunteer opportunities, make friends with active bi-lingual speakers giving you the chance to expand your network and your perspective.

The Japanese volunteers for this event come from LVC (Language Volunteer Co-Talk), a group which is forming an international volunteer network in Tokyo. This event will be held at JAMBO SCHOOL on the second Friday of each month for as long as there is a demand.

Time and Place: 19:00 at JAMBO SCHOOL (Monzennakacho)
LIMIT: 7 Participants (Sign up with David or on the JAMBO VOLUNTEERS Website) BY December 9.


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