Course: Ogose Station – Mt. Ootakatori – Ogose Nature Center – Hydrongea Road Hydrongea Mountain Park – Ogose Station (by bus – 280 yen)
From Ikebukuro, take the  Tobu Tojo (Express) Line’s 8:49AM train and get off at Sakado Station, arriving at 9:33AM. Change here to the local train going to Ogose, getting on the 9:40 train which arrives at Ogose Station at 9:58AM. Make sure to get on this train as we cannot wait for the next one.

People going from Ikebukuro Station can meet at the front end of the train on the Tobu Tojo Line platform at 8:49, or meet at Ogose Station’s ticket gate at 10:00. 
Walking time is about 5 hours (12 Kilometers).
You can enjoy 15,000 hydrongea stalks at the Hydrongea Park (on the mountain) plus 5000 more on the 3km walk to the park – FLOWERS GALORE!
Please wear appropriate shoes (tennis shoes, hiking boots), bring a lunch to eat on the mountain, and plenty of liquids.

The following pages have some information about the area (in Japanese):


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