Oume Azalea Hiking

OUME HIKING & AZALEA FESTIVAL! (Intermediate Course) (\500 Participation Fee) (Cancelled in case of rain) NEW!

We meet at Miyanohira Station at 10:15AM. Take the 9:08AM Oume Line Express train (it’s a Chuo Line train that goes all the way to Oume) from Shinjuku Station. This arrives at Oume Station at 10:07. Go across the platform and take the 10:09 train towards Okutama. This train arrives at MiyanoHira Station at 10:12. Be sure to arrive by this time since we will be unable to wait for the next train.

[map center=”宮ノ平駅” zoom=10]

Meet on the front of the 9:08 train at Shinjuku if you want to go from there there. David will get on the first car of the same train at Nakano Station.

Hiking Course – Miya no Hira Station – Umahikizawa Pass – Kyunitsuka Pass – Oume – Shiofune Goddess of Mercy Azalea Festival – Higashi Oume Station

Today’s hiking is about 5 hours. It finishes off at the Shiofune Temple, which has 17,000 red, white and purple Azaleas. Should be gorgeous!!!

Please wear appropriate shoes (tennis shoes, hiking boots), bring a lunch to eat on the mountain, and plenty of liquids.


Chichibu Flower Carpet Hiking

Hiking in Chichibu! (Hitsujiyama Park with many colored beautiful “grass flowered carpet”)

(Bring your own beverages and lunch box)

We will meet at Seibu Chichibu Station’s ticket gate at 11:00AM or on the middle of the Seibu Ikebukuro Line platform at Ikebukuro Station at 9:00AM. Take the 9:05AM Seibu Ikebukuro Line express train (going towards Hanno) at Ikebukuro Station. This arrives at Hanno Station at 10:01AM. From here, take the 10:04AM Seibu Chichibu Line train going towards Chichibu. This arrives at Chichibu Station at 10:57AM. Be sure to arrive by this time since we will be unable to wait for the next train.

Actual walking time is about 4 hours, eventually going to Hitsugiyama Park, where the different colored flowers of the “grass sakura” are in bloom and form a large carpet of beauty, and end up at Seibu Chichibu Station.

Course: Chichibu Station – Kagemori Station – Gokoku Goddess of Mercy Statue – Chosha Mansion Remains – Hitsujiyama Park – Chichibu Station

[map center=秩父駅]

Meet on the front of the 9:05 train at Ikebukuro if you want to go from there.


Tama Zoo Project

Volunteer Experience

Meet at 9:25AM at the front main entrance of Tama Zoo’s station (TamaDobutsukoen).


Take the 8:40AM Keio Line express from Shinjuku to Takahatafudo (arriving at 9:13AM) and change to the Keio Dobutsu Line train, leaving Takahatafudo at 9:18 and arriving at Tama Dobutsu Koen Station at 9:22AM. If you would like to participate, please inform David by April 30 so that we can get volunteer insurance.

If you join this event, please bring the following:

Long sleeved shirt and long pants (not shorts), work gloves, towel, and appropriate shoes (trekking shoes or hiking boots) are required.

Please bring whatever you want to eat for lunch, and drinks during the work project.


Kamakura Event

Kamakura Hiking, Flower Walk & Beach! (Participation Fee 500 yen)(Easy Course) (Cancelled in case of rain)NEW!

We will meet at the ticket gate of Kitakamakura Station (on the Yokosuka Line) at 11:00AM. From Tokyo Station, take the 10:04AM Yokosuka Line train (towards Kurihama). This arrives at Kitakamakura at 10:55AM.


If you’d like to go with David, please meet at the front of the Yokosuka Line platform of Tokyo Station by 10:02AM.

Hiking Course – Kitakamakura Station – Genshiyama Park – Kewaizaka Pass – Enshoji Shrine – Tsurugaoka Hachiman Shrine – Gionyama Hiking Course – Anyouin Shrine – Ankokuonji Shrine – Zaimokuza Beach (Sunset?)

The selected shrines are well-known for the many flowers (Wisteria, Azalea, and Peonies) blooming this season!!!



Place: Arakawa Saiko Lake Park URL:http://www.go2park.net/parks/arakawasaiko.htm

Time: 12:00 Noon – 6:00PM

JAMBO will provide barbecue equipment in the park. People should bring picnic food and drinks (Christmas party sharing rules apply) and whatever meat and veggies they want to have grilled. Benches are sparse, bring blankets.

The park is very interesting for children (GIANT INSECTS CLIMBING EQUIPMENT), lots of space for frisbee, rollerskating, skateboarding, walking.

Train Schedule

10:53 Leave Ikebukuro Station on the Saikyo Line (going towards Oomiya)

11:17 Arrive at Musashi Urawa Station

11:22 Take the Musahino Line (towards FuchuHonmachi)

11:25 Arrive at NishiUrawa Station

There’s a DAIEI store near the station and two convience stores between the station and the park, so you can buy your food after arriving at the station. We will be based in the park by the GIANT INSECTS. Impossible to miss.

If you’d like to go with David, meet at the NishiUrawa Station’s ticket gate at 11:27AM.

Organizer: Leszek – 080-4369-2537
Assistant: David – 080-6546-7688



JAMBO SPECIAL MUSIC & SHOW EVENT at IKEDA Bar in Soshigaya -1500 yen Entrance Fee (1000 yen donation and 500 yen for 1 drink ticket for all participants)

PLACE: Complex Bar IKEDA (a 2 minute walk from the Odakyu Line’s SoshigayaOokura Station
Setagaya-ku, Soshigaya 3-4-8 Ishida Building 3F Tel: 03-3482-2225
A map can be found on the URL at http://www.ab.auone-net.jp/~monsieur

[map type=”map” center=”祖師谷大蔵駅” zoom=”15″ type=”map”]

1,000 yen of your admission fee will be donated to the African Wildlife Foundation, a group in Africa that works to protect the environment while, at the same time, promoting the development of the local people. So you can have an enjoyable evening and help a good cause at the same time.

6:30 – Open
7:00 – 10:35 Music Program

  1. 7:00~7:15  TAKE3 ― Jazz Trio
  2. 7:20~7:35   Bacon Lettuce Band ― Ukulele&Cocarina  
  3. 7:40~7:55 Yuko & Maki & Naomi ― Song
  4. 8:00~8:10  Itoh ― Harmonica
  5. 8:15~8:30   Yasuko Borderless Society ― Song

  6. 8:50~8:55  Kohei ― Song
  7. 9:00~9:15  Guy & Andy ― Song & Guitar
  8. 9:20~9:35  Nori Band ― Rock
  9. 9:40~10:00  Kuramoto Band ― Song & Guitar
  10. 10:05~10:35 Tequila San (Guest) ― Song & Piano & Guitar

If you’d like to go with David, meet at the SoshigayaOokura Station’s ticket gate at 6:40PM.



[map center=”miura peninsula” zoom=”10″]
Misakiguchi station

We will go to Arasaki on the Miura Peninsula. This is a coastline hike with nice sea views, beaches and caves. We will meet at Misakiguchi station on the Keihin Kyuko Line at 11:00AM. From Shinagawa station, take the 9:54AM Keihin Kyuko Line train bound for Misaki-guchi. Get off at the last station (Misakiguchi). It arrives there at 10:59AM. This is an easy hike, so bring a plastic bag and let’s pick up garbage along the way.

Meet at the ticket gate of MisakiGuchi station on the Keihin Kyuko line at 11:00AM or Shinagawa station (meet at the front of the Keihin Kyuko platform at 9:50 and take the 9:54 train which arrives at MisakiGuchi at 10:59. David will be on that train.)

Bring food for lunch and drinks.


Forest Restoration Project in Takao

[map center=”高尾” zoom=”11″]
Forest Restoration Project in Takao (Cutting down old trees and making hiking paths)

9:30AM – 3:30PM

This project is a 15 minute walk from Takao Station. Any interested people may contact David for more details by April 8 (since reservations are necessary).


Izu-ga-take Hiking in Chichibu

[map center=”Chichibu” zoom=”9″]
We will have a 5-6 hour hike on this course with nice views and beautiful forests. There’s also a place where we scale a rock wall with a gentle incline (not dangerous at all) using a chain.

Course: Shomaru Station – Shoumaru Pass – Izu Peak – Agano Station

From Ikebukuro, take the Seibu Ikebukuro (Express) Line’s 8:05AM train (going towards Chichibu) and get off at Shomaru Station, arriving at 9:23AM. Make sure to get on this train as we cannot wait for the next one. We’ll meet at the ticket gate there at 9:25AM.

Meet on the front of the 8:05 train at Ikebukuro if you want to go from there.


Int’l Friendship Sushi Party

[map center=”Omotesando” zoom=”14″ type=”map”]
〒150-0001 東京都渋谷区神宮前5丁目9−13

from 6:30-9:30pm at the Polygon (behind the Oriental Bazaar on Omotesando)

For JAMBO members, the cost is Y3,500 for men and \3,000 for women w/reservation (or plus \500 if you go directly without making a reservation). All beer, wine, cocktails, sot drinks + sushi buffet, garden salad, veggies, cheeses, breads, and pies for dessert included. Reservations can be made with David at jambodave@green.email.ne.jp or phone (03-6599-8112) by April 9.

Half of your admission fee will be donated to the African Wildlife Foundation, a group in Africa that works to protect the environment while, at the same time, promoting the development of the local people. http://www.awf.org/ is their homepage.So you can have an enjoyable evening and help a good cause at the same time.

So you can have an enjoyable evening and help a good cause at the same time.

If you’d like to go with David, please meet at Exit A1 of Omotesando Station at 6:15PM on the 10th.


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