Aid to Tohoku

Thanks to a ¥100,000 donation from Herman Bartelen (from the Charity Concerts of November 24 and December 1), JAMBO made the two following donations for Tohoku aid:

¥50,000 to OGAforaid –

¥50,000 to JEN (Japan Emergency NPO) –
These funds come from you, the participants of JAMBO, Thank you very much.


Donation Information

JAMBO contributed US$100 yen to ACCION International, an NGO which supports poor people in developing countries who are trying to start their own businesses. These funds come from you, the participants of JAMBO, Thank you very much.


OXFAM Donation

Last week the UN declared a famine in Somalia as thousands of families
left their homes in a desperate search for food and water.

Many are facing the worst drought in sixty years. Small reservoirs have
gone dry. Bigger ones have been reduced to pools of sludge. Crops are
failing, farm animals are dying and children are going hungry.

Oxfam supporters are saving lives by funding projects to bring food to
people facing severe hunger and truck water to villages where all other
sources have dried up. This week’s $250 donation to OXFAM by JAMBO is
matched, so it becomes $500. Thank you for your support.

Last week the UN declared a famine in Somalia as thousands of families
left their homes in a desperate search for food and water.

Many are facing the worst drought in sixty years. Small reservoirs have
gone dry. Bigger ones have been reduced to pools of sludge. Crops are
failing, farm animals are dying and children are going hungry.

Oxfam supporters are saving lives by funding projects to bring food to
people facing severe hunger and truck water to villages where all other
sources have dried up. This week’s $250 donation to OXFAM by JAMBO is
matched, so it becomes $500. Thank you for your support.


AWF Donation

On June 17, JAMBO contributed $US300 to the African Wildlife Foundation, a group in Africa that works to protect the environment while, at the same time, promoting the development of the local people. These funds come from you, the participants of JAMBO, Thank you very much.


Charity Groups for September

2 Charities for September

Proliteracy, an International Literacy Organization (Women in Literacy) ( supports women literacy around the world.

The Institute for Sustainable Transportation ( is an organization that supports sustainable transport around the world, especially in developing countries.


August Charity

The funds collected this month will go to ASHOKA, an NGO which support poor people in developing countries who are trying to start their own businesses (


July Charity

This month’s JAMBO donations go to the World Wildlife Fund, an international organization working to preserve the world’s most precious natural resources, especially endangered animals. Check out their wonderful HP at



JAMBO SPECIAL MUSIC & SHOW EVENT at IKEDA Bar in Soshigaya -1500 yen Entrance Fee (1000 yen donation and 500 yen for 1 drink ticket for all participants)

PLACE: Complex Bar IKEDA (a 2 minute walk from the Odakyu Line’s SoshigayaOokura Station
Setagaya-ku, Soshigaya 3-4-8 Ishida Building 3F Tel: 03-3482-2225
A map can be found on the URL at

[map type=”map” center=”祖師谷大蔵駅” zoom=”15″ type=”map”]

1,000 yen of your admission fee will be donated to the African Wildlife Foundation, a group in Africa that works to protect the environment while, at the same time, promoting the development of the local people. So you can have an enjoyable evening and help a good cause at the same time.

6:30 – Open
7:00 – 10:35 Music Program

  1. 7:00~7:15  TAKE3 ― Jazz Trio
  2. 7:20~7:35   Bacon Lettuce Band ― Ukulele&Cocarina  
  3. 7:40~7:55 Yuko & Maki & Naomi ― Song
  4. 8:00~8:10  Itoh ― Harmonica
  5. 8:15~8:30   Yasuko Borderless Society ― Song

  6. 8:50~8:55  Kohei ― Song
  7. 9:00~9:15  Guy & Andy ― Song & Guitar
  8. 9:20~9:35  Nori Band ― Rock
  9. 9:40~10:00  Kuramoto Band ― Song & Guitar
  10. 10:05~10:35 Tequila San (Guest) ― Song & Piano & Guitar

If you’d like to go with David, meet at the SoshigayaOokura Station’s ticket gate at 6:40PM.


Oxfam International

JAMBO donations in January go to Oxfam International.

Oxfam International is an international group of independent non-governmental organizations dedicated to fighting poverty and related injustice around the world. The Oxfams work together internationally to achieve greater impact by their collective efforts.


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