If it rains, the hike is canceled but we will still go to the Ilumination and Party.

MEETING TIME AND PLACE: 10:03 a.m. in front of the ticket gate of Takao-san-guchi Station of the Keio Line.

TRANSPORTATION: If you’re coming from Shinjuku, take the Keio Line departing from Keio Shinjuku Station at 9:07 a.m. and arriving at Takao-san-guchi Station at 10:01 (¥390).

WALKING TIME: About five hours

Course: TakaoSanGuchi Station – Mt. Nakazawa – South Takao Ridge – Nishiyama Pass (Lake views) – TakaoSanGuchi

Shinjuku Christmas Illuminationsー http://www.rurubu.com/season/winter/illumination/list.aspx?stc=6 ー 5:45 – 7:15PM

End of the Year Party – 7:30 – 9:30PM – 7 Course dinner & all you can drink – 3500 yen ー Hana no Mae
Reservations necessary (reserve with David at jambodave@green.email.ne.jp)
Up to 20 people (First come, first served).
If you reserve and then cancel after December 18, you may have to pay the full amount (if we don’t find another person to fill the place)


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