Time: There will be 2 parts of the Zoom meeting.
(1) Jambo Leaders wanted in July and August: Zoom time: 8:00 pm – 8:30 pm
(2) Gardening Project: Zoom time: 8:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Link: Jambo Meeting (click on the link below at 8:00 pm or 8:30 pm Friday to join)

For those who want to join, if you haven’t used Zoom already, please take the necessary steps to install zoom before the event. It’s easy, and free to install.  Please understand that we will not be able to help with technical problems.

Details are below:
(1) Jambo Leaders wanted in July and August
Jambo organizers (David and Miki) will be away from early July until the end of August.
If you are interested in possibly doing a hike or other event for Jambo during this time, please join in.
*Upon the extension or re-announcement of an emergency decree this summer, the Jambo events will be automatically canceled.

If you are interested in, but cannot join on Friday, please contact Miki and David at contact@jambointernational.org by June 17.

2) Gardening Project
We are considering leasing land from next year for a Jambo garden/project in the western part of Tokyo (Musashino city, Mitaka city and Fuchu area). If you are interested in learning more about it, or have suggestions on leasing land or setting up a garden, please join in.

Again, If you are interested in, but cannot join on Friday, please contact Miki and David at contact@jambointernational.org

Miki Howenstein

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