Please bring Food and Drinks to share

Venue: JAMBO School (Map) – Tomioka 1-26-13-203 Koto-Ward Tokyo (Shimada Bld. Room 203) (a 3 minute walk from MonzenNakaCho Station Exit 2) 080-6546-7688

18:00-19:00   Self-introductions

Language Volunteer Co-Talk (LVC) Introduction and Programs

Explanation of JAMBO Leaders Program and Event Organizing Ideas

JAMBO OPEN HOUSE – 7:00-9:00PM at Jambo School

While eating, drinking, and talking, feel free to take whatever you like among the many things I’m giving away (Books, CDs, decorations, toys, etc.) Please bring drinks. This event is FREE!!! You are welcome to bring any things which you wish to give away. However, it is requested that you take them back home with you if nobody takes them.


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