Chichibu Jan 17 - 1796
GIVE ME, GIVE ME, GIVE ME!!! What a strange thing these little pieces of metal and paper are, granted with a magical power which is dependent on the faith of its users. Money is just a tool – it becomes good or bad only because of our thoughts about it. What do you think about money and how does it effect your life? Can you change your mind about it so it has a more positive influence?

Many charities and NPOs which are doing fantastic work in Japan have problems getting funds because it isn’t part of the culture to give to such groups Yet, we all “ask” for money in our everyday work, and receive it as payment – because it is a requested service? But aren’t NPO’s services even more necessary to maintain a good society and environment? What happens when NPOs stop preserving the environment or helping the disadvantaged because of lack of money? Our world would quickly worsen. Why are some non-profits seen as beggars when asking for money for good works which people want to support? At the same time, someone who builds bombs which will hopefully never be used “deserves” a high salary?

What a strange world we live in! You work hard for your money. Make your money work for you by supporting those people and groups which make your life better, creating a fulfilling, mutually beneficial relationship.

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