Meet at the ticket gate of Surugaoyama Station on the Gotemba Line at 11:05AM.

From Shinjuku, take the 9:11 express Odakyuu Line train (going towards Odawara) to Shin-Matsuda (arriving at 10:35AM). Walk to Matsuda Station (which has the JR Gotemba Line) and get on the 10:44 train. This train arrives at Surugaoyama at 11:03 AM.
(DEFINITELY get on this train because we can’t wait for the next one since they are infrequent.)
We will hike from the station to the Yuujo Waterfall, then to the Choushi Gorge, and return to Ashigara Station (on the Gotemba Line). The hiking time
itself is about 4 hours.
If you’d like to go with Leszek from Shinjuku, you can meet in the front car of the 9:11 Odakyuu Line train.
Please bring your lunch and drink

As we will go to a Hot Springs in Ashigara after the hike, please bring a change of clothes and a towel if you’d like to join!

Hiking Leader:  Leszek Rybicki  080-4369-2537


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