(The hiking will be cancelled in case of rain, but we’ll still do the Ikebukuro Program)

Meet at the Seibu Chichibu Line’s Ashigakubo Station’s Ticket Gate at 10:25. From Ikebukuro, take the Seibu Ikebukuro Line’s Express train at 8:50 to Hanno (arriving at Hanno at 9:37) and change here for the Seibu Chichu Line’s train, leaving Hanno at 9:43. This train arrives at Ashigakubo Station at 10:21. Be sure to arrive on this train as we will be unable to wait for the next one.

People going from Ikebukuro Station can meet in the front car of the Seibu Ikebukuro Line train at 8:50.

The hike will be Ashigakubo Station – Mt. Futago (the Twins) – Ashigakubo Station.

The hiking time is about 4 hours.

After the hike, we will go to a Japanese Pub (from 17:30) in Ikebukuro and see the Christmas illuminations there. People who want to go to the Pub but not on the hike must make a reservation (to David at jambodave@green.email.ne.jp) by December 16. Hikers may reserve on that day.

See the following HPs for the illuminations in Ikebukuro:



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