April 16 (Saturday) – JAMBO MUSIC EVENT at IKEDA Bar in Soshigaya (1500 yen Entrance Fee (1000 yen donation and 500 yen for 1 drink ticket for all participants)
6:00 PM open
6:30 – 10:00PM Program
1 6:30~6:40 Itoh―Hamonica
2 6:45~7:00 ”Konatsume”
3 7:05~7:15 Leszek―Recitation
4 7:20~7:35 ”baconlettussand”
5 7:40~7:55 Chinese Guest – Niko&Synthesizer
6 8:15~8:30 Guy―Song
7 8:35~8:50 Andy―Song
8 8:55~9:25 Monsieur Ikeda&Kuramoto
9 9:30~10:00 Ayano&Ippei― Song&Guitar
Entrance: \1500
PLACE: Complex Bar IKEDA (a 2 minute walk from the Odakyu Line’s SoshigayaOokura Station
Setagaya-ku, Soshigaya 3-4-8 Ishida Building 3F Tel: 03-3482-2225
A map can be found on the URL at http://www.ab.auone-net.jp/~monsieur
Approximately half of your admission fee will go for the earthquake relief efforts.
So you can have an enjoyable evening and help a good cause at the same time.
If you’d like to go with Nori, meet at the SoshigayaOokura Station’s ticket gate at 6:15PM.