September 23 (Thursday) – SPECIAL AUTUMN EQUINOX BARBEQUE, PARK FUN & RIVER CLEAN UP!!! (¥500 Participation Fee) (Cancelled in case of rain) (EASY) NEW!

Meeting Place and Time: The East ticket gate of Higashi Oojima Station at 11:00AM

Those going from Shinjuku, take the Toei Shinjuku Line train (going towards MotoYawata) at 10:31. This arrives at Higashi Oojima at 10:57.

Event Place: Oojima Komatsukawa Park

Time: 12:00 Noon – 6:00PM


JAMBO will provide barbecue equipment in the park. However, we don’t have enough for a lot of people so if you have your own equipment, it would be a great help if you could bring it with you. People should bring picnic food and drinks (Christmas party sharing rules apply) and whatever meat and veggies they want to have grilled. There’s a supermarket near the station, so you can buy your goods there.

Especially for children, we can play frisbee, baseball, or whatever fun stuff you bring along.

We’ll do a garbage pick-up from 15:00 – 17:00PM at the nearby Arakawa River bank. If you’d like to join in, please bring work gloves if you have them.


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