JAMBO Philosophy

The JAMBO idea challenges the current practice of separating social, environmental (natural), and spiritual issues. To the contrary, it is JAMBO’s belief that the isolation of these 3 issues creates a problem in itself, leading to limited improvements in one area at the expense of another. Such disconnected approaches make it infeasible to attain far-reaching solutions which can only be arrived at through a proper integration and harmonization of these 3 sets of issues.

It is often claimed that it is impossible to work on all three fronts at the same time. The scope is simply too broad. In response, JAMBO counters that only in doing so can we create & sustain a better world. Could it be that we are not moving towards a more peaceful, sustainable world because we refuse to take up this challenge, thereby fighting a losing battle with piecemeal solutions? Working on all 3 levels together is not only possible, but can be a joy and is surely the most desirable course of action.

The JAMBO program is meant to increase awareness of and to have an affect on the way people view this relationship between society, nature, and the spiritual. Through this increased awareness, one’s idea of what really is important and what it means to succeed changes drastically. Success comes to mean a more integrated and harmonious relationship between these 3 “environments” (social, natural, spiritual), and one’s happiness lies in bettering this relationship. Long-lasting, truly sustainable change can only come about if there is change within the individual which works in conjunction with change without (in the social and natural environments). That is why JAMBO feels that it is absolutely necessary to work at bettering all 3 levels simultaneously.

While working at the grassroots level with activities connecting people with the natural environment, and social and environmental betterment, JAMBO hopes to provide an example of openness and compassion towards all life, and encourages others to seek their own spiritual fulfillment.

JAMBO is not a religious group and does not claim to know what’s right for each person’s spiritually. On the contrary, the JAMBO belief is that everyone is responsible for taking care of his/her own spirituality. Through its activities and spiritual/inspirational writings, JAMBO simply wishes to provide a variety of spiritually-nurturing opportunities where the individual can feel uninhibited and safe to carry out and share his/her own search.

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