An Appeal from JAMBO

HELP!!! JAMBO’s LOST (and it’s not on a hike – HA!) Pardon me for the personal nature of this JAMBO Writing; however, I’ve been increasingly confused (if that is possible) on how to move JAMBO forward. There is so much more good that we can do, so many wonderful ideas which I’ve heard from you, and yet we haven’t been able to materialize them yet. NOW IS OUR CHANCE. (more…)



What a turbulent year! Looking at the world picture, 2011 is bound to be remembered as the year when natural disasters due to freaky weather (floods in Australia and Thailand, huge tornadoes in the US, terrible drought in East Africa) and otherwise (big earthquakes in New Zealand, Turkey, and Japan) have become part of the norm. And, as if this weren’t enough, (more…)


Stimulating the Senses

Get out of your Mind and Come to your Senses – Anthony de Mello

Stimulate the senses and feel the passion of life be reborn within you. Autumn provides countless opportunities to do so – the pleasant scent of the fragrant olive; the sight of the constantly changing colors of the leaves; the touch of the cool, fresh breeze on your skin; the sound of the chirping birds, some of whom are permanent residents while others are simply passing through on their way to warmer lands; and the taste of freshly harvested goodies like juicy persimmons and mackerel pike. (more…)


Anger & Compassion

Anger cannot be overcome by anger. If a person shows anger to you and you respond with anger, the result is a disaster. In contrast, if you control anger and show the opposite attitude – compassion, tolerance, patience – then not only do you yourself remain in peace, but the other person’s anger will gradually diminish….

An old Tibetan lama who was thrown into a Chinese prison for eighteen years (more…)



There are times when all of us feel like we are stuck, unable to move towards those things which we want to do. Maybe we’re in a bad job. Or an unfulfilling relationship. Or simply can’t get motivated to go out and exercise or hike, and end up staying home watching TV all day. We can feel overwhelmed and this further de-energizes us, making us feel even more trapped.

I found 2 unique suggestions for getting unstuck and beginning the process of doing what you really want (more…)


In Tragedy Lies a Capacity for Healing

After the triple disaster in March, with the earthquake, tsunamis, and the crisis at the nuclear power plant, with the ongoing suffering and anxiety surrounding these events, it is easy to fall into a state of despair and become overwhelmed, resulting in being unable to do anything. But there is another side of this tragedy, one which has the capacity to bring healing to our way of life. (more…)


Creating your own energy

Positive Energy Production (PEP)

Each and every one of us harbor great amounts of energy. Then, how is it that we often feel drained? One reason is that we either prevent that energy from coming out (through suppression of our true feelings, for example) or “permit” it to escape in damaging ways – through anger, guilt, and so on.

We have much to learn from nature in terms of “energy management.” (more…)


Creating Magic

Creating Magic – That’s what the Christmas Spirit does. Everything about this season is filled with wonder – from its original story of God coming to Earth in human form to the present, which celebrates with other-worldly illuminations and the gift of giving. It transforms the darkest time of the year to a festival of lights as well as the giving of presents to others into a source of our greatest joy. (more…)


A Bit More Kindness

A small dose of kindness – healing for both the giver and the receiver

Many of us earnestly feel that we’d like to do something to help those around us, or to better the world. Yet, we feel lost at how to do so, feeling that it’s only those of great potential who can carry out such a task. Yet, some of the most giving people the world has ever known state otherwise. For example,


Grow the Love

Could it be that the heat wave which is inundating large parts of the northern hemisphere contains an important message for humanity to heed? Many will claim that the increasing frequency of heat waves is a symptom of global warming, signaling an urgency for people to drastically change their ways or perish. While this may very well be true, I wish to look at what we have to learn from other living beings. (more…)



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