Many of us in today’s world have either become so busy, or so bored with our lives, that we have forgotten how to have fun. For others, having fun seems like “a waste of time,” preventing us from doing more “important” things. Yet, this is exactly what we need in order to enjoy life, rather than feel burdened by it. By having something to look forward to (every day), our lives become touched with joy and excitement.
Having fun is good for our health, in that it makes us forget our worries. Also, during that time, the mind is relaxed and able to gain a new perspective, which may give us insights that make our lives more fulfilling. Most importantly, having fun means (more…)

In our everyday lives, many of us are in contact with relatively few people, and usually to others who are like us – the same nationality and religion, similar cultural habits, related professions, or family. Being with these people gives us a feeling of comfort. Yet, we also long to reach out, expand our perspective, and experience different kinds of people (foreigners, people with different lifestyles, etc) in a safe environment.
One of the defining points of JAMBO (and, I believe, its most important trademark) is its inclusivity. JAMBO is an extremely accepting group. It’s wonderful to see how new people are welcomed, with JAMBO members readily talking with newcomers of any kind. We have an incredible range of people, many of whom are (more…)
In our everyday lives, many of us are in contact with relatively few people, and usually to others who are like us – the same nationality and religion, similar cultural habits, related professions, or family. Being with these people gives us a feeling of comfort. Yet, we also long to reach out, expand our perspective, and experience different kinds of people (foreigners, people with different lifestyles, etc) in a safe environment.

First of all, a big CHEERS to all of those who participate in JAMBO and make it possible. The 2012 financial statements are out and show the good health of JAMBO. Several changes were made in 2012, and this has led to a more viable organization. Let me point out 3 of the major impacts which have made JAMBO more effective and sustainable:
Looking at the list of donations (http://www.jambointernational.org/finances/JAMBO%202012%20donation%20summary.pdf ), you can see that an increasing amount of funds are now given within Japan (over 1/3, or 36.8%), especially to people affected by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. This reflects JAMBO’s commitment to support the country where we work, in addition to other places in Africa and around the world.
In the 2012 financial statement (http://www.jambointernational.org/finances/JAMBO%202012%20R&E%20Statement.pdf ), you can see the introduction of (more…)

We all have times when we are too busy to fully appreciate the good things around us, or when we feel down for whatever reason, causing us to see only the darkness. When we finally get more time, or start feeling the light start to re-enter our life, it’s good to take time and become fully aware of the incredible events taking place around us, especially in this beautiful season of spring.
My question for you is “How can we not believe in miracles when nature is pulling off one after another endlessly?” Look at (more…)
A personal message from David, the Director of JAMBO

In 2012, JAMBO made several changes so that it could become a more sustainable organization. We’ve had some success, with more people becoming leaders of events. We are committed to continuing providing regular, enjoyable programs which raise money to support less fortunate people or improve the environment.

In most cultures and religions around the world, the end of the year presents the opportunity to give to others in some way. For example, the Christmas custom of exchanging gifts and the Japanese custom of end-of-the-year presents. And in our materialistic cultures, we now increasingly focus on these physical things rather than the original purpose of “Gifts of the Heart.”
If you look at the memorable events of your life, most often you will find that they come in the form of fun activities, times together with a loved one, or experiencing a miracle (like an awesome sunset or the birth of a child). In other words, these treasures are not based on material goods, but are grounded in good people and loving feelings. (more…)
All of us have attended school at some time in our lives, and we tend to think of it as a place where we sit in a classroom and learn things. This can indeed be an important part of learning, but if we define school as “a place to learn,” our whole life experience and everywhere we go is a school.
I questioned what a school should be like when I started JAMBO School this month. Mostly, JAMBO School is an English school, teaching English conversation to adults in the classroom. However, just as important, it provides students with opportunities outside of the classroom to use their English. (more…)

We are all undergoing changes in our lives constantly. The bigger changes are usually met with anxiety and fear. Yet, it is entirely up to us, and within our capacity, to view the changes in our lives constructively and let them have a positive influence in our lives.
The famous philosopher, Henri Bergson, claimed that “the only reality is change.” While it’s only natural to seek some degree of stability in our everyday lives, if nothing was changing, it would indeed become quite a monotonous existence. Change in our lives can provide us with the stimulation to move us onto better things, if we so choose. Some of those periods of painful transition – losing a job, breaking up with a loved one, or moving to a new place – certainly are stressful. Yet, if we can learn the lessons that these changes have to teach us, we can become wiser and better individuals, becoming more compassionate and gentler with ourselves and others. These refined new qualities make us more lovable and, in the process, may very well help to steer us towards situations which are more fitting for us.
Wishing that the changes in your life work for your benefit!

All of us people come into this life with many differences – in personality, ability, looks, and so on. Yet, fundamentally, we all wish to be happy and have some degree of integration in our lives.
Here at JAMBO, we organize/participate in various activities which have the purpose of bettering each aspect of our overall environment – the social, natural and personal.
You can pick and choose among the various programs to find what appeals most to you, and move towards integrating your life in the way you see fit. (more…)