Nelson Mandela

It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you NOT to be? (more…)




“…we can’t survive without enchantment… the loss of it is killing us.”

— Thomas Moore

“There is one thing that all true spirituality has in common, whether that spirituality is derived from faith, from science, from nature or from the arts – a sense of wonder.”

— Andrew Schneider

“There are only two ways to live your life: One is as though nothing is a miracle, The other is as though everything is a miracle. I believe in the latter.”

 Albert Einstein


The Secret of Serenity

Buddha seemed quite unruffled by the insults hurled at him by a visitor. When his disciples later asked him what the secret of his serenity was, he said: (more…)


Relieving Stress

When Stress Hits, Count to Ten

Make it a habit to slowly count to ten the moment you encounter a stressful situation. This slow, ten-second countdown may be just enough to cool you down. (more…)


Holy Encounter

When you meet anyone, remember it is a holy encounter. As you see him, you will see yourself. As you treat him, you will treat yourself. (more…)



The story has it that when New Mexico became part of the United States and the first court session opened in the new state, the presiding judge was a hardened old formed cowboy and Indian fighter. (more…)


Transforming painful memories

We can transform painful memories by re-imagining them from the soul’s perspective of love and meaning.
All experiences have the purpose of serving the soul. An experience in the past blocked us because our fear at the time distorted our perception of what happened. To transform this limiting experience, we must bring what was then unconscious into the soul’s realm through consciousness. (more…)



A vision without a task is a dream;
A task without a vision is drudgery;
A vision with a task is the hope of the world. (Havel


Solidarity (May 4 Ponderings LATE)

What is lacking is the element of SOLIDARITY. Solidarity means that you are committed to the other person because he or she is fundamentally valuable. You don’t look at the other primarily in terms of a return on an investment, but rather you see them as someone who fundamentally deserves love and caring for their own sake, and not only for what they can DO for you. In religious language, we need to see other people as created in the image of God, and to respond to them with awe and amazement, recognizing them as embodiments of God’s spirit. (more…)



Your love and compassion towards your friends is in many cases actually attachment. This feeling is not based on the realization that all beings have an equal right to be happy to overcome suffering. Instead, it is based on the idea that something is ‘mine’, ‘my friend’ or something good for ‘me.’ That is attachment. (more…)


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