Donation Information

JAMBO contributed US$300 to  World Wildlife Fund (an international organization working to preserve the world’s most precious natural resources, especially endangered animals). is their HP. These funds come from you, the participants of JAMBO, Thank you very much.



JAMBO contributed 10,000 yen to KIDS NPO. KIDS (Knowing Is Doing Something) NPO was established in 1992 when it became apparent to volunteer workers that orphans in Japan are secluded from society. KIDS concentrates on connecting children isolated from society with various people interested in volunteering. Students from orphanages around the Kanto Plain learn English for three months including two field trips where they have direct interaction with foreigners. The students are able to build their confidence, gain new perspectives on life, illustrate future goal, and have fun doing it.

These funds come from you, the participants of JAMBO, Thank you very much.


Donation Information – JUON

JAMBO contributed 30,000 yen to JUON Network, which does various environmental projects around Japan.
These funds come from you, the participants of JAMBO, Thank you very much.


Donation Information – AAAG

JAMBO contributed 50,000 yen to AAAG Japan – Affection Accommodation Action Generation (Doing good things for people around the world).

These funds come from you, the participants of JAMBO, Thank you very much.

AAAG helped Jambo send donations to Ronnie in Uganda.


Donation Information – SHU

JAMBO contributed 30,000 yen to SHU – The Environment NPO, which does various environmental projects around Japan. JAMBO has been volunteering with Shu in the Tama Zoo project, where we cut bamboo grass and trees to keep biodiversity, as well as made paths and planted trees.

These funds come from you, the participants of JAMBO. Thank you very much!

Tama Zoo Volunteer Event from Jambo International on Vimeo.


Donation Information

JAMBO contributed $315 to Abalimi Bezekhaya. This is an organization working with development and environmental restoration in Cape Flats. Cape Flats is an impoverished area outside Cape Town which was partitioned as a “Black” residential area under the apartheid regime. Due to poor management, overcrowding, and the unjust policies of the apartheid era, Cape Flats became environmentally devastated. Abalimi Bezekhaya is working to “re-green” the area by promoting gardening and tree planting efforts.

These funds come from you, the participants of JAMBO, Thank you very much.


Donation Information

JAMBO contributed $300 to Global Greengrants Fund, a group that provides grants for local environmental work in Africa, Asia and other poor areas. This $300 donation to Global Greengrants Fund ( was matched 2 to 1, so it actually turns out to be a $900 donation. These funds come from you, the participants of JAMBO, Thank you very much.


Donation Information

JAMBO contributed $US300 to Charity Water, a non-profit organization bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations: These funds come from you, the participants of JAMBO, Thank you very much.


Kamakura Pictures

June 24 pictures

JAMBO Flickr
Shigeru’s album
Yasuhiro’s album


Donation Information

JAMBO contributed $US300 to African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) – a group in Africa that works to protect the environment while, at the same time, promoting the development of the local people.
These funds come from you, the participants of JAMBO, Thank you very much.


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