JAMBO Policies
In order to maintain an enjoyable environment and feeling of ease for everyone within JAMBO, we wish to inform you of JAMBO policy concerning the following:
Contact Disclosure: JAMBO sends information to members through BCC so nobody else can see your email address. Email addresses of JAMBO members are never given to others without permission. On the other hand, JAMBO openly discloses where the funds go to and the financial statements can be found on the Homepage.
Sexual Harassment: Sexual harassment will be strictly prohibited. If you feel that you have been sexually harassed, please inform David of the incident. The harasser will then be given a warning. If another complaint is made against this person (or there are 2 complaints made about any individual), he/she will no longer be invited or welcomed to JAMBO events.
Smoking: Smokers are politely requested to smoke away from non-smokers.
While JAMBO tries to ensure that reasonable safety precautions are taken on events, JAMBO cannot be held responsible for any incident, whether caused by negligence or otherwise, which results in the loss of personal effects or injury.
JAMBO is not covered by any general insurance policy against the loss of personal effects or injury of its members, nor does it undertake to arrange such insurance for specific events.
JAMBO members are recommended to wear shoes and clothing appropriate for the hiking/outdoor program events, and report to the organizer of the event any potential personal obstacle (such as physical problems) which may create problems.