Remember that hatred is a reaction to frustrated love.

The hatred you see directed outward toward you is actually pain being exposed by the person who is experiencing it. When the hate is dissolved the pain loses its horror and torment.

You need not be anyone’s victim. One of the most loving things you can do in response to hate is to silently send that person a blessing and remove yourself from the energy field of fear and hatred. Gently leaving without screaming or cursing or even loudly responding, sends a message to the hater that you love yourself too much to be his or her victim. Then, when they calm down you can be there to talk when the energy field is not permeated by hate.

Removing yourself from the scene is a way to keep your energy field uncontaminated and to give the hater a space to reflect on their actions in private. Remember, their hatred is their torment. If you don’t allow their hate to become yours, you assist the hater in nullifying their pain. (From the book “There’s a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem by Wayne Dyer, p. 166)

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