Sadness is a habit of processing the world from a perspective of lack by constantly thinking about not having enough of what you feel entitled to such as, money, health, love, friends, or even free time. On and on go the thoughts, which create a feeling of sadness.

Joy, on the other hand, is a way of processing the world from the perspective of what you have and what is right. Joyful people rejoice in their strengths, talents, and powers and do not compare themselves to anyone. They are not intimidated by the strengths, possessions and powers of anyone else. Joy comes from rejoicing in all that you are, all that you have, all that you can be and from knowing that you are divine, a piece of God.

Sadness derives from a scarcity consciousness that can be dissolved by tuning into the abundance that is yours for the taking. (There’s a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem by Wayne Dyer, p.244)

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