Arakawa Volunteer Oct 16 - 8 of 12Many of us want to do something good for others or for nature – something fun and meaningful. Here’s what you can do with Jambo.

The simplest thing you can do is join our events. Jambo has frequent hiking trips (to appreciate the natural environment while raising money for groups which help the environment and disadvantaged people),volunteer activities once or twice a month, and other events periodically.

If you wish to get more involved, become a leader. As a grass roots organization, JAMBO depends on local people for support. JAMBO especially needs event organizers/leaders to carry out the “Having Fun, Doing Good” concept. Current leaders hold events where participants pay (with a portion of the funds going to the leader and the rest going to the charity of that month), suc as leading hikes and holding cooking events. However anything is fine as long as it fits in with the Having Fun, Doing Good idea.

Leaders of specifically volunteer events are also needed. These are events that help the environment or the disadvantaged, and are completely volunteer (no payment for leaders or from participants, except possibly insurance). Currently, Jambo holds river/ocean clean-ups and periodic collections for disadvantaged children, but we are open to other ideas.

The hiking programs are, at present, the most popular so hiking leaders are especially welcomed. It’s a great way to get some income for yourself and raise money to help others as the same time.

If you are interested in any of these positions please contact David at

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