Kyushu - FukuokaEverything that is truly worthwhile takes time and so it is with the recently completed eco-house near Kawaguchi Lake. JAMBO made an investment of 300,000 yen for this project many years ago, and the result is this eco-friendly house which can grow food year round. Please take a look at these websites for information about the house:

Jake Reiner, longtime friend of JAMBO and Director of Earth Embassy (near Mt. Fuji), was the primary designer for the house. Guests are welcome to stay overnight in this “house of the future” and enjoy the many natural wonders in the area. Reservations may be made on 1st website above.

JAMBO is trying to move towards more support of this kind of small, creative endeavour which betters the environment and the community. Thank you, Jake, for giving us this opportunity. Any suggestions for such inspirational projects are welcome.

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