WE DID IT! After over 3 years of countless paperwork which Jeff Harryman patiently dealt with and long waits, JAMBO INTERNATIONAL INC is now an official NPO in the United States.

What does this mean? It means that this new NPO will be able to receive tax-free funds from foundations and other grantors. Then, we hope to encourage other leaders and groups to develop Jambo-like programs around the US – in short, programs that connect people with others and with the natural environment while supporting groups which work towards preserving/restoring nature and helping disadvantaged people (either through volunteering or raising funds).

How will this effect the Jambo programs in Japan? It won’t. Our programs on the Kanto Plain will continue as before. You can still enjoy the same activities as before; however, now you also have the opportunity to become part of something bigger by inspiring others (in the US and beyond) to adopt “Having Fun Doing Good” projects and being a co-creator in making a better world. It’s an exciting time, and I hope you’ll be a part of it!

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