Summer is here and very soon we’ll be splashing in the sea and rivers around the Kanto plain. After days of switching between scorching concrete and air-conditioned, enclosed spaces, a trip out to where the ground is moist and trees provide shade is a healing experience. We had great events by Danny, Wai and Guy and a bicycle ride organized by the amazing Earth Day Ride group, and the calendar is still open for new leaders and organizers.

This month, we give thanks for the last time to the Trippiece service, which promoted our activities, helping us reach a new generation of enthusiastic volunteers. The English-language service will cease, so the team can concentrate on the Japanese-language service, and the media site.

At the same time, our cooperation with the Language Volunteer Co-talk is gaining speed. Jambo School is hosting regular Japanese learning lessons and parties for foreigners in Japan. There are more events coming and LVC would be happy to hear your ideas and requests. Have a great summer and see you on some weekend!

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