It is truly unfortunate that spirituality and religion have come to have negative connotations for so many. There’s no question that there are people who misuse them for their own purposes. And yet, their deeper significance is meant to provide a strong foundation to uplift the human spirit, and to develop a larger perspective of our existence.

In more simplistic terms, they force us to re-learn – to see with the eyes of a child a world filled with awe and wonder at the natural world around us. And to cultivate appreciation for the many splendid, FREE gifts which come with this life – the air and water we depend on, and the plants and animals which join us in this worldly adventure. When we are able to develop these capabilities, there is less need to make more money or get more things, since we are able to more fully enjoy the deeper pleasures which make life more meaningful. Please look at this month’s Spirituality and Appreciation blogs to give yourself an emotional buzz (without the negative side effects).

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