NishizawaGorgeNov2 - 3058

Giving and Receiving

During this holy month of December, in western countries Kris Kringle (gift exchange) is often done. People bring presents and give them to others. What makes it fun is that we don’t know who we are giving to or who are getting a present from. The important thing is the joy of sharing with each other.

Sharing in our everyday lives blesses our lives not only with material goods, but also with good relationships. Our society often places a high value on giving to others (through charities and personal support). While this is indeed a virtuous act, it is also important to be able to receive things graciously. This month’s Ponderings reflect 2 different attitudes in receiving – one of taking whatever I can get and one of acquiring something appreciatively, as follows:

“Well, when I offer people a drink of water, I’m happy if they take it. Did you expect me to sadden the old man by depriving him of the joy of giving me something?”
When we truly treasure giving and receiving, sharing with others becomes a joy and enriches our lives with the many connections which it builds.

May you build many such “golden bridges” during this holiday season and beyond!

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