ChichibuMay6 - 2510
The JAMBO International’s Financial Statements for 2013 are now up on the website at (look under 2013). Feel free to take a look. They show how participants’ funds are used, JAMBO’s healthy condition, and the names of all of those who volunteer their time and money to make JAMBO possible.

Money, however, is only a minor part of the JAMBO mission. The motto – Helping Others, Doing Good – is indeed the main purpose. And yet, it is my hope that I (and others) live up to the grander spirit of JAMBO, which includes

Respect for Others
Encouraging Diversity
Being Open to Everyone
Empowering Ourselves and Others
Understanding & Acceptance
Compassion & Kindness towards All of Life
Cultivating a Sense of Wonder

JAMBO depends on the cooperation of so many people, and I am only a part of it, yet I have been asked time and again what I really want JAMBO to be. This is it, and I write about these things on my bi-weekly blog ( ), which is in English only. Even if you don’t understand English, please take a look at the link at the end of each blog since they are quite inspirational. I especially like the most recent one ( with its catchy tune and the circle of kindness. ENJOY!!!

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