FussaApr6 - 2395
Every spring, plants and animals come out of their “winter sleep” to once again start a new life. Ignorant of the many troubles in the world, they continue growing and, in the process (like in the case of flowers), they share their beauty for all to see.

The cold of winter still lingers on, but “life” (plants and animals) take the chance, reproducing and experiencing growth pains in their march to become their true selves. And, as a result, all of us (people) benefit by their efforts.

Fear of the pain which often accompanies growth often prevents us from taking a risk. And yet, many of us complain about the rut which we have dug for ourselves. While it can be scary to go out and meet people different from us, start a new job, or move towards your dream (ideal life), it is this kind of risk which helps us to realize what we truly want and move towards an ever more fulfilling life, where we can share our newfound beauty with those around us, just like the majestic cherry tree.

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