21世紀の森 - 2219Our personal struggles, as well as most of the world’s major conflicts, are a result of “I think… or I believe…. and you are different” mentality. Sometimes, our words about how we see the world cause pain to others who have a different point of view, even when we are so fundamentally similar.

People get tired of these conflicts, blaming the other for not understanding – it’s always THE OTHER’s fault, and the cycle of violence and hard feelings continue. Luckily, we have some beacons of light in recent history who have shown us ways to overcome this vicious cycle – Mother Theresa, Mandela, Dalai Lama to name a few. What they, and all true spiritual leaders, teach is that LOVE and LOVING THOUGHTS unite people. Living a life of love has the potential to bring people of apparently different beliefs, ideologies, and cultures together peacefully and is the hope for the world.

Young people don’t want to be burdened with “DON’T DO THIS” and “YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE THIS.” They do want to know HOW TO LOVE and be good people. Let us do our best to live a life of love and, like the world’s great spiritual teachers, be inspirations to all of those around us.

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