YoroDec1 - 1957
To create a world of delight – WHAT A JOY!

In today’s world, being in a hurry shows one’s sense of importance, but in a deeper sense, it can also be a form of mental laziness. When we are too busy, we don’t have time to nurture our relationships. We passively accept that causing animals to suffer in order to provide our meat, or people to suffer in order to provide us with cheap goods is inevitable in the modern world. And yet, all of this is UP TO US!!!

Our laziness permits these evils to persist. How much easier it is to cut down a tree (destroy) than to plant a tree and nurture it (create). But how much more beautiful a forest full of different kinds of trees and animals is than a deserted landscape. Creating takes time and effort, and the fruits therefrom can create a beautiful world where all good people benefit.

To do so, we must redefine our idea of progress – from one of simply “advancing economically” (even to the point of encouraging destructive practices) to one of creating a “culture of good,” one that harmoniously pleases mind, spirit, and body and respects all life. When we take steps in this direction, we become co-conspirators in creating heaven on earth – AH, WHAT A JOY!!!

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