Like all repressed memories, repressed wildness continues to haunt our “civilized” lives. As these energies accumulate, they may eventually produce wild, irrational, and often violently destructive mental processes or behavior. This destructiveness may be turned inward on ourselves in masochism, irrational (perhaps psychotic ideation, or potentially suicidal depression. Or the repressed wild energies may be directed outward at civilized society, at those perceived as wild energies may be directed outward at civilized society, at those perceived as wild or simply different, or directed at wilderness preservation. If we get to know and befriend this wild side of our mind-body-spirit organism and integrate it into our overall self-identity, this wasted repressed energy becomes available for playfulness, adventure, constructive relating and creativity in all areas of our lives. (From the book Ecotherapy by Howard Clinebell. page 30)