In our everyday lives, many of us are in contact with relatively few people, and usually to others who are like us – the same nationality and religion, similar cultural habits, related professions, or family. Being with these people gives us a feeling of comfort. Yet, we also long to reach out, expand our perspective, and experience different kinds of people (foreigners, people with different lifestyles, etc) in a safe environment.

One of the defining points of JAMBO (and, I believe, its most important trademark) is its inclusivity. JAMBO is an extremely accepting group. It’s wonderful to see how new people are welcomed, with JAMBO members readily talking with newcomers of any kind. We have an incredible range of people, many of whom are visibly different – because they have a physical disability, don’t socialize well, or are simply “strange” – and yet, all of us are different in one way or another. That’s what makes our society stimulating, and acceptance and treasuring these differences is what makes JAMBO unique.

Treating people badly in any way (bullying, sexual harassment, violence) has no place in JAMBO. We strive to maintain a non-threatening environment where people can be accepted for who they are. In the process, we all learn our own gifts more clearly, and how we can share them to make a better world.

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