We are all undergoing changes in our lives constantly. The bigger changes are usually met with anxiety and fear. Yet, it is entirely up to us, and within our capacity, to view the changes in our lives constructively and let them have a positive influence in our lives.

The famous philosopher, Henri Bergson, claimed that “the only reality is change.” While it’s only natural to seek some degree of stability in our everyday lives, if nothing was changing, it would indeed become quite a monotonous existence. Change in our lives can provide us with the stimulation to move us onto better things, if we so choose. Some of those periods of painful transition – losing a job, breaking up with a loved one, or moving to a new place – certainly are stressful. Yet, if we can learn the lessons that these changes have to teach us, we can become wiser and better individuals, becoming more compassionate and gentler with ourselves and others. These refined new qualities make us more lovable and, in the process, may very well help to steer us towards situations which are more fitting for us.

Wishing that the changes in your life work for your benefit!

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