HELP!!! JAMBO’s LOST (and it’s not on a hike – HA!) Pardon me for the personal nature of this JAMBO Writing; however, I’ve been increasingly confused (if that is possible) on how to move JAMBO forward. There is so much more good that we can do, so many wonderful ideas which I’ve heard from you, and yet we haven’t been able to materialize them yet. NOW IS OUR CHANCE.

Partly because I myself have become quite frustrated at my own inaction, and partly because there seems to be much more interest among people to help others and to help the environment (influenced by last year’s earthquake and the declining health of the natural environment), JAMBO is now more committed than ever to working together with others to better the world. Beginning with our first brainstorming get-together coming upon February 25 (see schedule), we will hold monthly gatherings to share ideas and take concrete actions to help ourselves while helping others. Realizing that some people like to do things alone while others prefer a group activity, we will put possible actions (individual and group oriented) on the JAMBO HP for your convenience. Some ideas which we may talk about include:

Caring for stray animals
Buying Fair Trade Goods
How to better use JAMBO Donations
Making a summer garden
How to make ethical investments
Giving used goods to those in need
Doing things for children in Tohoku

Any ideas you have are welcome, so please come out on the 25th and have a lot of laughs while making a new start HAVING FUN and DOING GOOD!!!

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