Those who’ve found “their place in life” aren’t reporting 24-hour highs. They’re not jazzed all the time. They still complain about annoying administration randomly puncturing their concentration. However, their language invoked a different troika: meaningful/significant/fulfilling. And they rarely ever talk about their work without interweaving some of their personal history, explaining how the two are related…..

There’s a difference between something that stimulates you for a year and something you can be passionate about for ten years. What is the difference? One thing is not ten times more stimulating than the other. The difference is whether your heart’s in it….

The traditional search for a career begins with the question “What am I good at?” But that’s often not the right starting point for finding a calling….
The true search is for what you believe in. When your heart’s engaged, the inevitable headaches and daily annoyances become tolerable and don’t derail your commitment. Let your brain be your heart’s soldier. (From the book “What Should I Do with My Life?” (by Po Bronson), p.47-8)

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