Whatever you plant in your subconscious mind
and nourish every day with conviction and emotion
will one day become a reality.

Constant repetition carries conviction.
Repeat something often enough and it will start to become you.
A change in what you tell yourself
will result in a change in your behavior.

What you impress upon your mind,
you’ll inevitably become.
Self suggestion will make you master of yourself.

How things look on the outside of you always depends on
how things are on the inside of you.

Your thoughts have brought you to where you are today.
Your actions always mirror your thoughts.
Take a good look at where you are and what you’re doing,
and you can understand what you’ve been thinking.
Your mind is your true essence.

Your behavior is the perpetual revealing of yourself.
What you do, tells everyone who and what you are.

Change your thoughts and you can change your position in life.
You can start this process at anytime.
Why not start today? (From “The Daily Guru,” March 9,2006)

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