There are times when all of us feel like we are stuck, unable to move towards those things which we want to do. Maybe we’re in a bad job. Or an unfulfilling relationship. Or simply can’t get motivated to go out and exercise or hike, and end up staying home watching TV all day. We can feel overwhelmed and this further de-energizes us, making us feel even more trapped.

I found 2 unique suggestions for getting unstuck and beginning the process of doing what you really want (both from the book “59 Seconds” by Richard Wiseman). First, think about how you’d like to be remembered after your death. Imagine a close friend of yours standing up at your funeral and reflecting on your personal and professional legacy. This can help you to identify your long-term goals and determine to what degree you are making them a reality. Understanding these goals, then visualize taking practical steps towards achieving them. Don’t fantasize about them becoming reality or get overwhelmed by how difficult it will be to reach the end result, but rather think of the first small steps you need to take to move towards the goal, and do them one by one.

Just like the people of long ago buried in the “100 tombs” (Hyakketsu, in the picture), we all are in need of feeling fulfilled. When we live our lives doing those things which lift our spirits, we treasure life and, paradoxically, no longer fear death – for it is only those who are afraid to truly live life who are afraid to lose it.

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