Positive Energy Production (PEP)

Each and every one of us harbor great amounts of energy. Then, how is it that we often feel drained? One reason is that we either prevent that energy from coming out (through suppression of our true feelings, for example) or “permit” it to escape in damaging ways – through anger, guilt, and so on.

We have much to learn from nature in terms of “energy management.” Look at the wise tree. It sheds its leaves in fall so it can lay low and conserve on its energy during harsh weather (winter), and then bursts out in radiance in the spring, using its energy to produce flowers and leaves – the food for its body (and many other beings around it).

We have the same potential. During hard times, reflect and understand what is really draining our energy. Also, look at times in the past when we were full of energy and move towards reigniting that flame. Most importantly, realize that we bring to ourselves what we focus on. When I look at those things I can’t do, my life becomes a series of “I can’t.” On the other hand, by focusing on the positive things you can do, you “create” the power to do those things in your life. This is the essence of Positive Energy Production, and a potential source of constant PEP in your life!

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