Could it be that the heat wave which is inundating large parts of the northern hemisphere contains an important message for humanity to heed? Many will claim that the increasing frequency of heat waves is a symptom of global warming, signaling an urgency for people to drastically change their ways or perish. While this may very well be true, I wish to look at what we have to learn from other living beings.

During periods of such intense heat, nature slows down. In order to preserve energy, the frantic activity of spring mellows or else creatures would die from exhaustion. However, we in the developed world maintain the same frantic activity as we do at other times of the year, thanks to our air conditioned environments. We use huge amounts of energy in order to maintain our need for never-ending work and getting more and more material things. We’ve completely lost the rhythm of nature. And in doing so, this cleavage from the environment which we depend on for survival is creating dire problems for us and the whole of nature.

At the same time, we also yield the potential to move towards creating a better environment. However, we won’t do so until we “fall in love” with it. We can “grow that LOVE” by going into nature and fully experiencing it with our 5 senses – feeling the soft moss, smelling the flower’s fragrance, listening to the chirping cicadas, tasting the spring-fed water, and seeing the many plants and animals which share our lives here on earth. It is a truly miraculous existence and completely absorbing yourself in nature is the first step towards falling in love with her and committing yourself to her care as you would your own child. Could there be any more wonderful feeling?

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